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#1 Parent Not surprised anymore - 2008-12-21
Re: Aston English

I have to agree, however it might be that Captain doesn't have a degree, in which case a recruiter might be the only way to go.

Folks, this applies to everyone, but let me explain how things work here in the China ESL business.

Recruiters and schools have a tier system in regards to how they judge applicants and their viability.

Firstly are people with actual PHD's who would willingly come to work here in China, or as I call them, suckers. If you really have a PHD, you can do a lot better than the ESl biz in China. Most so caled PHD holders here working in training centers though are holding a piece of paper not worth wiping your butt, if you understand my meaning. Anyhow, these folks are the most wanted, least found, and highest paid if they have teaching experience. Even if they don't, schools being able to say they have a foreign teacher with a PHD sounds very respectable.

Secondly is your Masters degree holder, again, a supposed big deal here, though experience is often what schools "say" they care most about. This, with experience rates quite high, as well as without even.

Bachelors degree, as common as rice, hence, not too impressive, but impressive enough that most jobs can be gotten having only this. This with a fair amount of experience is all you need really.

No degree. This is most common here I think, despite what people on this forum say about their experience. My experience has told me that a large amount of the so called degreed have no degree at all. Fake degrees are quite common here in China, and the Chinese are not too concerned about it. Why not? Because the demand is so great that the government for the most part turns a blind eye. Those who work here and have no degree of any kind, they have the hardest time, and are the most exploited.

If you come to China with no degree, you won't ever get a legal work visa, and you'll have a hard if impossible time finding decent work. Employers who wil hire you are for the most part dishonest, corrupt, and generally can't be trusted. Most schools won't hire you though, hence you have to work for the even more corrupt recruiter. This type of recruiter is a cross between an employment agent, and a recruiter. They not only find you, hence getting a fee from the school, but they also get a heavy slice of your monthly salary. This type of recruiter is the worst, and to be avoided. Howver, if you have no degree, you have few options.

This is how the tier system runs here basically. One being the lowest.

1. No degree
2. No degree, but with experience
3. Degree, No experience
4. 4 year degree with experience
5. Masters degree, with experience

I won't rate the masters degree no experience, or the PHD no experience, because this can vary to be honest, however, I do think most places would give preference to a higher level degree holder, even if they had no actual experience. With the Chinese, most things seem to be about pedigree, not the actual substance of ther person. Again though, this can vary somewhat, so I won't officially rate them.

That's it in a nutshell. Know that if you come here with no degree, you will be used and abused, and even if you have a degree, the same can happen. We foreigners are pretty dumb to the ways of the Chinese when first getting here, and by the time we get wise to their ways, were often to cynical from past hurts to want to work here anymore. It's a shame, but the honest to Gods truth, sadly.

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