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#1 Parent greg - 2012-02-26
Re: Aston English

I had a terrible time working for ASTON. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone. I have taught at 3 schools in China over the last 5 years. I had a very positive experience teaching at other schools. My time at ASTON however was a nightmare. I think the whole organization from the inside out is a professional joke. I lost count of the contract violations.

They will guilt you into staying. I strongly suggest that any teacher who sees the red flags early gets out. Although they think they do, they don’t own you or your passport.

I felt mislead by the school and tricked into working for them.

Overall I think ASTON is disgraceful. I write this only to warn new teacher who are looking to come to China. China is a great country and there are good schools out there. Just stay away from ASTON!


#2 Parent for sure - 2008-12-21
Re: Aston English

The leaders of Aston will promise you a lot and give you little. Meaning, they've got a good rap but little more to offer. As for Aston in Chengdu, well, it couldn't get much worse from what I've heard. Aston's favorite lure is to offer you long term employment that will lead to a supervisory position. Communicate with them for awhile and you'll see what I mean. Stop communicating with them for a few days and they'll drop you like a lead balloon because they'll suspect, rightfully so, that you're checking them out.

As has been said repeatedly here and in other forums, avoid Aston no matter what they offer you. In fact, be very careful about private schools in general, but put Aston right near the top on your list of schools to avoid.

#3 Parent Not surprised anymore - 2008-12-21
Re: Aston English

Fiona your quite mistaken about your 3 months figure. While it is true that some schools have this measure in place when working with recruiters, others do not.

I have talked with recruiters who get their payment after only a month. Others have told me they work on a half now, half later basis. It seems to be a simple matter of their negotiating skills, that's all. There is however not set, universal standard of payment, as you have layed out.

#4 Parent Not surprised anymore - 2008-12-20
Re: Aston English

Well if you mean by a bit dodgy that al Chinese schools irrespective of type care more about money than teaching than yes, they are all a bid dodgy I think. You just have to find the "least" dodgy out of them all, that can be difficult.

You need to ask a lot of questions, were some good ones posted on here a while back, don't know what happened to them, I'd do a search.

Schools are profit driven, you just need to find the ones that are run the best. If a public school, wel, they still make moneyh off of their English teaching programs, it's just nothing like what private schools make.

Basically your best bet is to stay away from private schools, and go with Public Universities and such. The pay will be lower, but so will the work hbours, unless they are very greedy. I have seen some colleges asking 20 hours a week and only offering 4,500 or less, that's crap.

Be careful though, and as others have said, make sure you see pictures of the apartment before you go, at the least.

Saying you have no schools to work at now is absurd though, use google man, and do some research, don't expect us to do all your work for you. Thgere is plenty out there, you just need to put in the time and effort.

#5 Parent Fiona - 2008-12-20
Re: Aston English

I know nothing about this school Aston nor the recruiting agency you are all discussing. What I do know is that
1. Recruiters don't get their payment till you stay a full three months at the job they hire you for.
2. A good recruiting agency will give you ALL the information you need to come to S. Korea PLUS
3. They will put you in touch with someone either going to the same place as you or who is already there - why? So you can ask a million and one questions, have a friend when you arrive and someone to help you settle in and show you the ropes. It stands to reason if you are happy you'll stay and they will get paid. If you re-sign your contract they aren't paid again but if you sign with a new school after your contract is over they are paid again.

Stay away from "cram" schools also known as "Hogwans" and "academies." It really is hit and miss whether you land in a good place or not. But if you sign with a public school you have a very legitimate contract, set hours, wages, and vacation time. You work regular hours Mon to Friday leaving your evenings and weekends free to do as you want and there is a helluva lot to do in S. Korea.

So if you really want to come to S. Korea to teach try World English Services. The person who runs it has actually lived and taught in Korea herself so has some legitimate experience. She has almost 25 of us in the city of Yangsan and we are only one of the cities she supplies. I receive nothing for promoting her services but no one here has ever complained about her and her company.

best of luck


#6 Parent JECI teacher - 2008-12-19
Re: Aston English

I have worked for JECI in Shandong for the last 8 months. If you would like my opinion about them please email me.

#7 Parent Captain Hook - 2008-12-19
Re: Aston English

Well now I don't have any schools to teach at! Bummer. Do either of you know if Jonathan Education Consulting International (JECI) is any good? I know Silverboy your going to say stay away from recruiters but everything sounds a bit dodgy.

#8 Parent Not surprised anymore - 2008-12-17
Re: Aston English

Captain Hook I am a long, long timer here in China, and I know most of the large Chain schools. While Aston is not the worst, it is far from the best.

If your new here, my advice is to avoid private schools and work for a University or a public school. If you still wish to work for a private outfit, you could do worse than Aston. At the same time, you could do better. Unfortunately, finding better in the private sector is very, very hard.

First off, Aston requires that you share a place with another person. Cheap employer, don't work for them.

Two, they don't pay very well though they ask you to work a lot of hours.

Taking these two things into accound, you still could do worse. All in all though, your best looking at Public school, not places like Aston.

Captain Hook - 2008-12-07
Aston English

Any reviews on Aston English in Chengdu? I've read a lot of bad reviews on Aston English. Is this still continuing today? Any good Aston Schools? Info, tips, and/or advice would be appreciated.

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