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#1 Parent doesitmatter - 2008-12-25
Re: Raffles

Couldn't agree more; however, I might add that it's not only the parents, it's also the grandparents. In fact, it could be said that the grandparents are even more responsible and needing some serious education related to child rearing.

Of course, it's understandable on one level. The grandparents themselves, having lived such deprived lives, are now, hmmm, what's the psychological term....oh yes, transferring or something like that. No matter what you call it, though, they're doing it. For example, I saw a great documentary a few years ago about how the grandparents are really the ones responsible for creating obesity problems amongst the younger population in China. They're the ones who are often picking up the little kids from school because the parents are working. Then they cater to the little emperors' and empresses' every whim and desire. They're allowing the little ones to sit in front of a TV or a computer and load them up with coke, potato chips, candies and all the other stuff that has so negatively impacted the health of so many children in Western societies.

No wonder that by the time many of these kids reach college they're unteachable and unreachable. They're lost in a fantasy world of privilege.

#2 Parent Not surprised anymore - 2008-12-24
Re: Raffles

That would be nice Silverboy, however I think what your seeing here is more a side effect of the one child policy here in China.

These students have been raised as little princes, given everything they want, and been made to feel like they deserve it. When your parents raise you to be this self absorbed, and spoil you this much, is it any wonder they expect everything to be handed to them on a siler platter? I say not really. What this country really needs is parenting classes, because let's be fair, it starts at home with the parents.

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