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#1 Parent Todd - 2009-01-26
Re: Direct English Seoul

I worked at Direct English in Seoul for about 4 months and then left the company. It was an awful experience where I was paid half the salary promised, lived in an awful apartment (they lied about the accomodations) and spent 4 months being broke and working two shifts/ day trying to make ends meet. There was no end to the lies, scams and untrustwothy actions taken by this company. It was the worst employment experience of my entire life.

#2 Parent Native Teacher - 2008-08-13
Re: Direct English Seoul

Direct English is a terrible place to work. There are a lot of teachers that are taking them to the labor board because they have so many issues in their contract that are illegal. Do not listen to anything either Phil or Ian tells you. They will lie and lie and then lie some more to just get teachers to come, then they will try to screw you at every turn. The hours suck and they will lie to you and say you get a split shift in 3-6 months but instead you will have to wait at least a year. They also will pay you half of your wage if a student doesn't show up but they still keep the full tuition. They force people to work overtime which is a 14 hour day from 7 am to 9:30 pm if someone is on vacation or when a teacher leaves. Your schedule will not be full either so if you do not have a student scheduled they don't pay you anything for your time. The first month is ok but by the 3rd month every teacher hates it there. If you want to hate life for 9 months to a year then work at Direct English, otherwise work elsewhere there are better jobs out there. YBMe4u has almost the same program but the people in charge there are at least honest about what happens and the conditions. I hope this helps you not get caught in the terrible trap that caught me.

#3 Parent Corbin - 2008-07-08
Re: Direct English Seoul

BigAppleBob is teaching in Korea right now if I remember right, any thoughts BAB? I think he is probably the most experienced in teaching in Korea right now, I'd also like to hear his thoughts because I would like to teach in Korea myself at some point.

Thanks in advance.

Sarah - 2008-07-06
Direct English Seoul

Does anyone know anything about "Direct English" (Seoul) owned by Pagoda? I haven't really found any information regarding teachers.

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