Return to Index › Re: WCEIEC ( Wancheng International )
#1 Parent John Latimer - 2009-02-12
Re: WCEIEC ( Wancheng International )

Contacts with who? No names were given. If someone was being heavily recruited, I would think that they would remember the name of that person.

#2 Parent The Rendeer - 2009-02-11
Re: WCEIEC ( Wancheng International )

If you had read the Silverboy posters last reply a bit more carefully, you would certainly be aware that he mentioned his personal contacts with them.

"Truth in posts" - yes, a basic requirement. But the respective posts should be read a bit more carefully before doubting the accuracy of its contents.

#3 Parent truthinposts - 2009-02-05
Re: WCEIEC ( Wancheng International )

If I am to believe you, I want first hand information. I want facts. I don't want your opinion based on second, third hand info. Have you personally worked for these people? If you have worked for them, when?

You guys tar everyone with the same brush. Let's have some facts with these posts.

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