Return to Index › W.C.I.E.C. Hengyang
#1 Parent cat - 2009-02-15
Re: W.C.I.E.C. Hengyang

Deborah are you real ? Isn`t your name Choatle or Jnet ? ( from Turnoi`s gang )
There are too many mistakes in your posting. Are you an English teacher in China ?
Just start counting your mistakes: " That a real fact...

#2 Parent John Latimer - 2009-02-15
Re: W.C.I.E.C. Hengyang

Turino, Sound thinking. I appreciate your response because of your rational thinking. That being said, I bid you adieu!

#3 Parent Turino - 2009-02-14
Re: W.C.I.E.C. Hengyang

"I am who I say I am, yet that is not good enough for you."
Given that many of this board's posters distrust one another,it's not at all surprising that what you say has fallen on deaf ears.
"You want very badly for me to be the notorious "Paul" of Canada, whom I have never heard of before."
I had posted that 'maybe' you're said person;that doesn't mean I want you to be him very badly.
"In fact, I am not Canadian. If you make the assumption that everyone who posts is a liar, then everyone should assume that you are a liar too."
I'm not presuming all posters to be liars.What's more,I can't see why a poster presuming all fellow posters to be liars should be necessarily presumed same by his fellow posters.
'Give a dog a bad name' is definitely the done thing on this board - the negative posts re your outfit that appeared in the not-too-distant past are still borne in mind by many posters in this thread.So they are by and large loathe to trust you and what you claim you represent.

#4 Parent Deborah Thistlethwaite - 2009-02-14
Re: W.C.I.E.C. Hengyang

You wrote: "I am leaving a message for for those who have posted their negative opinions, with no factual evidence...."

And here is my reply on that:
That recruiters, especially in China, have cheated and deceived FTs so often and for long, is a FACT. And there is sufficient evidence. So, the negative comments posted are well-founded and are based on facts. And you will have to accept the fact that someone like you selling out fellow FTs to Chinese schools, possibly also many crappy places, must arise a lot of suspicion here.
If you had a bit of subject-related competence and factual knowledge of what is going on in general, you would not really wonder about the many negative and/or critical comments posted here. Chinese recruiters, for good reasons, are not very popular here.
I suggest that you refrain from posting quarelling here - it will not bring you any further and will do you and your business further damage. You cannot and should not stop people from posting their negative opinions freely here just because their comments are not in favour of your business! This is an independent and free "School and Recruiter REVIEW" place here, and you have no right whatsoever to make posters change their free mind and expressing it here freely.

John Latimer - 2009-02-14
W.C.I.E.C. Hengyang

I am leaving a message for for those who have posted their negative opinions, with no factual evidence, to ponder. You people seem to think that for some reason you stand a cut above the rest. What you base this on is beyond me. I have only defended myself and my position against a bunch of cowboy's who can't shoot straight. "Waitasec" dropped his/her postings and headed for the hills. I'm tired of the game. The caliber of the players is sub-par. You should try and stick to fact, and not conjecture and cheap shots when posting.
I am who I say I am, yet that is not good enough for you. You want very badly for me to be the notorious "Paul" of Canada, whom I have never heard of before. In fact, I am not Canadian. If you make the assumption that everyone who posts is a liar, then everyone should assume that you are a liar too.

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