Return to Index › Re: New Bridge International, Beijing, KIEC International
#1 Parent Turino - 2009-02-20
Re: New Bridge International, Beijing, KIEC International

Maybe Waddleachew should change his(or her)username to Cowardly Custard!Why does the board allow posters to delete their posts?Instead,let all posters be accountable for their words by getting rid of the 'delete' option.If that were done,then some unsavoury or foolish posts wouldn't be composed in the first place.

#2 Parent Tom - 2009-02-20
Re: New Bridge International, Beijing, KIEC International

No need to worry! "(Waddleachew)" removed his/her posting in the middle of the night hoping that no one would notice. When a poster does this, you can bet the information is either incorrect or self incriminating.

#3 Parent Turino - 2009-02-19
Re: New Bridge International, Beijing, KIEC International

New Bridge is "A Bridge Too Far" as far as by far the most FT's teaching in China are concerned!

#4 Parent Alan - 2009-02-19
Re: New Bridge International, Beijing, KIEC International

Must agree, I thought it funny! Seems that the longer one was in a country the smarter they would be and it would be much more difficult to take advantage of them. "(Waddleachew)" states the opposite. I find this hard to believe! I hope this is not the case for everyone as I plan on teaching in China upon graduation.

#5 Parent Tom - 2009-02-19
Re: New Bridge International, Beijing, KIEC International

Thanks for posting your humorous reply.
"This school if it can call itself that, clearly doesn't want someone with experience, knowledge, because they likely would have to pay them more, and they could not take advantage of them as they could someone who has been here a long time, like myself."
Are you a comedian on the side?

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