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#1 Parent Native teacher - 2009-02-26
Re: Sun Education Project Of Jilin Province Government -

Well rumor has it they now have 40 native speakers. they are using this false front to lure them in. and one corrupt government official (the head of the changchun education department) is now calling government schools and telling them they must use tian shuos teachers which is obviously putting good teachers and good companies out of work. My concern is for the teachers at terrible school. History shows that this school can not be trusted. I need everyones help to blog every site about this Sun Education Project of Jilin and warn everyone to stay clear of it.
I also have an axe to grind and I want tian shuo out of business for good. Schools like these are terrible and make working in China a horrible experiance for all.

#2 Parent Kevin - 2009-02-26
Re: Sun Education Project Of Jilin Province Government -

Well, they seem to prey on the Filipinos and Filipinas a lot. They also appear to prey on "newbies" to the teaching game in China who are therefore unaware. There has to be a way to expose these thieving mongrels but as of now, I'm not sure how. They seem to have a helluva lot of guangxi. I guess the best to way is to use google-fu, find out who, in the Philippines recruits these poor folks and try and put warnings there. I'll look into it because I really have my own personal axe to grind with these a88holes. If anyone else has any ideas, let's brainstorm them and see what we can come up with. I wonder if it's worth contacting SAFEA.

#3 Parent native teacher - 2009-02-25
Re: Sun Education Project Of Jilin Province Government -

I guess the real question is how do we get schools like this shut down? it seems they have a never ending supply of teacher, albeit bad teachers. Even with all of the efforts to expose the corruption it is still here? any advice to combat them?

#4 Parent Turino - 2009-02-25
Erwai of Beijing (program in Hegang city of Heilongjiang)

I dunno why North-East China has so many dishonest schools and recruiters.Another rubbishy enterprise based there,that I had the misfortune to teach for was Erwai of Beijing - they ran a program in Hegang city of Heilongjiang.They tried the same scam on me,teaching hours versus hours of teaching.Of course,being Chinese,they were totally aware of said deception.
I was happy to move on after just one semester with them.A Mr Lion,the Chinese boss is someone to avoid at all costs.Working for him will cost you,that's for sure!

#5 Parent Kevin - 2009-02-25
Re: Sun Education Project Of Jilin Province Government -

Yep folks, steer clear of this group of robbing mongrels. I had a run in wih them in 2005 and luckily escaped. They never gave me my Z visa, held on to my passport, constantly tried to cheat me out of money and insist on working clock hours, not teaching hours and if you don't, you lose! You've been warned!

native teacher - 2009-02-24
Sun Education Project Of Jilin Province Government -

well tian shou here in Changchun is at it again. they have a new gimick. Sun Education Project Of Jilin Province Government they say it is a new government agancy that sends teachers to government schools all around town. They promise the world. "Wow I can work for the Chinese Government" This is another example of how desperite this company is to cheat and scam foreign teachers. Beware. Tian Shou Madam Wang, Kiki, Rachel, Linda and all of the others are all cheaters. if you see the email run away as fast as you can. The government does not recruit or send teachers to schools. the schools can either recruit themselves or work with properly liscenced institutions to provide this service.

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