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#1 Parent Openminded - 2009-02-28
Re: Laowai and waigouren

Scaremongers on this board such as Silverboy and Turnoi are trying to destroy the reputation of many recruiters and training centers. But that duo's constant attacks, oftentimes not backed up by any hard evidence at all, fortunately draw very little support from those who read their tiresome dogma. And of their supporters, I reckon that the majority are experiencing difficulties with their employers here in China because of their lacklustre teaching. This is especially so for those teaching kids of elementary school age, who require to be kept interested in class by imaginative and hard-working foreign teachers, which they are sadly not.

#2 Parent Finnigan - 2009-02-27
Re: Laowai and waigouren

A very open minded post. Thanks for recognizing the unconscionable ramblings and sweeping generalizations that are often only bitter mumblings without substance to back them up. I don't fault said posters for their crusade against the evil recruiters and schools; however, I do question their commitment to ethical behavior when it is obvious they are approaching the point of slandering certain training centers or schools only by virtue of what they have heard second hand.

There are many teachers who choose to not face their own deficiencies. Eventually, it's everyone's fault but their own.

However, again, there are training centers, recruiters and even so called credited universities that one should be careful about getting involved with. Research is a must, but get as many opinions as possible and realize that sometimes you have to take the good with the bad. Nevertheless, remember that you, if a qualified teacher, are a valuable commodity and negotiate with any potential employer accordingly.

#3 Parent Openminded - 2009-02-26
Re: Laowai and waigouren

Generalisation defeats everything and everyone. If a budding FT were to trust generalisation, it's most likely that that FT wouldn't have gone abroad to start with.
And you are obviously a 'generaliser', as can be seen from your previous posts.
The important point you've missed is that you, as a self-proclaimed and acknowledged star teacher at your uni in Wuhan, wouldn't have gone there to begin with, or indeed to China for that matter, if you'd have trusted generalisations posted by OP's.
So, stop categorising Chinese cities and recruiters in terms of good or bad in China. Because you haven't worked at those specific workplaces or for those particular recruiters, respec, you've no right to appoint yourself as their judge, as simple as that!
Readers needn't trust secondhand info collated by you. By assuming that responsibility, you're effectively elevating your status on this board, without justification in the eyes of many readers!
You've no right to denigrate the recruiter 'Yuncheng IELTS' and the like based on secondhand information, most of which is untrustworthy in any case, by virtue of its very nature.

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