Return to Index › Shenzhen Marong Education Foundation
#1 Parent Markus - 2009-12-14
Re: Shenzhen Marong Education Foundation

I have to agree with you, this school is absolute crap. Even today they still deduct money from your paycheque and you opften will not get the full amount.

They treat teachers like crap and last year they ran over a poor girl and killed her with the bus over at the Hai Yin school.

I recommend to everyone, stay away from this place. The principals seems nice at first and the job seems ok, but if you have an agent they are taking a lot of your money and the principals will take a lot out of what you think you are getting! They will make you work on your time off, lunch hours, and after school. If you do not your salary will be cut. If you do not come from Canada, or the UK forget about the VISA completely! Most work on other visas and try to avoid the police, sometimes unsuccessfully.

#2 Parent Turino - 2009-03-04
Re: Shenzhen Marong Education Foundation

I suppose for many FT's it's better to work relatively short hours for a dishonest employer in China for a reasonably high standard of living teaching by and large well-behaved students than to work oneself to death all day long in the West as a schoolteacher for a lower standard of living teaching mostly disinterested and alienated learners.Of course, within China there's a big difference from employer to employer regarding salary,learners,accommodation,hours worked and curriculum taught,only to be experienced by teaching here and there as opposed to merely at one educational establishment.

#3 Parent Keith - 2009-03-04
Re: Shenzhen Marong Education Foundation

Well, the reason to why I stayed so long was because I actually had it good there. I loved my class and the ones i worked with. It was the first ESL job I had, so I guessed that all schools would be like this and because it was comfortable for me, I just played it safe. However, The last year I worked there, they actually kept everyone for about 9 months, so o thought that it had at last become better, but somehow they messed up things, one guy was deported because he was on a F visa and the others ripped off from a lot of their salary, so I just had enough of the place.

The school I work on now is more trustworthy and really treat the foreign teachers as employees that they care about. Schools that can do this is ideal, as there are many schools like the Marong that does not care about their foreigners at all.

#4 Parent The Enlightened One - 2009-03-03
Re: Shenzhen Marong Education Foundation

May I ask how you were able to stay there for three years? I couldn't handle that, stick around while watching a ton of foreigners getting ripped off.


#5 Parent Turino - 2009-03-03
Re: Shenzhen Marong Education Foundation

Why on earth did you work for that dreadful employer for all of three years?I'm not sure what to make of your post!

Keith - 2009-03-03
Shenzhen Marong Education Foundation


I worked for a school in Shenzhen for some time, which was called Shenzhen Marong Education Foundation. I was an employee there for a total of three years and they care as little as they possibly can about their foreign teachers. Their have schools all around Shenzhen and uinfortunately i saw many times a new enthusiastic employee coming and then ending up a wreck and probably deciding to not return to China in regards to teaching again. MAny foreigners, even though they could get a work visa, was postpoined and many times the police came by and they where deported and blacklisted to enter China again. They do not care about the foreign teachers at all. They Will give you the worst teaching material you ahve ever seen in your life. Most of it is misspelt and inappropriate for children as songs they sing, which often are Nazi songs which they think are normal UK songs.

Furthermore, their whole foundation is about fooling the parents. They just want you to make sure the children are happy all the time and always tell their parents that they had a good time. If they actually learn anything is apparently insignificant for the foundation. Therefore, most of the time will be stupid mindless games and weird songs.

Be aware of this school, they have ruined so many peoples time in China and they have had so many people deported because they havent cared to get them proper visas. The police come by often, so it is not an appropriate place if you wish to work on another visa then the Z visa.

There are much better schools then this foundation, try to find it. Some have a good time here, however, i believe that the majority did not. Too many people just did not have a good time at all!


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