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#1 Parent John Latimer - 2009-03-15
Re: Richard, or "Richard Wei Wei", or just "Wei Wei" at Wancheng International

ESLman, I appreciate the time and effort you spent on a very rational presentation that illustrates the point in question with complete accuracy. The breakdown is orderly and your comments are very logical and well stated.

#2 Parent ESLman - 2009-03-14
Re: Richard, or "Richard Wei Wei", or just "Wei Wei" at Wancheng International

John Latimer says:
I would advise anyone who cares to respond, to carefully read all of Turnois postings concerning this matter, and decide for yourself if he utilizes rational thinking and sound logic.
John, I fully support your analyse of the situation. My conclusion is: He doesnt and very rarely does. I am constantly amazed by the amount of contradiction and hypocrisy appearing in posts here. Take the following exchange for example, posted in a thread on 9th March by a ubiquitous presence on the board:

Those throwing stones at others normally have not cleaned their own house

The same person then posts on the same day the following remark:

As a nursing instructor you would be hardly qualified to offer any substantial comments on ESL

Throwing stones is, it appears, OK for some but warned against to others.

The OP that the remark was aimed at had had fairly stated that he was a Nursing Instructor and was making a point about ESL in Asia from his own experience and he replies:

Wow. I could not believe what I am reading. Everyone is entitled to its opinion, whether ESL instructor or not. This is a teachers discussion forum, is it not? It does not emphasize only ESL teachers can make comments.

To which he received this comment in reply:

Yes, this is a free forum in a free country where everybody should be able to express ones own opinion freely. This also includes such replies as mine to your post
I somewhat doubt that the nursing instructor will be back posting here after that display of arrogance towards his contribution to the discussion.

It seems long established John, that should one fall foul of a certain small group on the board by once offering a contrary opinion, one becomes the target of criticism for all future posts one makes. You John will have noted that.
Anyone who has lived even half a full life will of come across been everywhere and know everything persons quite often. At one time bars, parties and other social gatherings were the venue at which to suffer the B/S, or what my grandfather would refer to as, eyewash. Now it appears that they have migrated to internet forums to give people the benefit of their alleged all encompassing wisdom and often acid tongue in the guise of constructive and fair comment. They, true to the mold, will never give a straight answer to a question that may bring them into doubt but prefer to obfuscate and avoid before finally progressing to rudeness not far short of insult.

Here is a further example of the type of blind rhetoric often applied to someone offering helpful information when asked for by a newbie:

You are selling yourself as an "expert" in that and other topics by accusing and blaming others

To which the poster being accused of this (and of using an alias replied):

The 'scholar' is not "selling himself off as an "expert" in anything as you claim, but merely offered advice to a person asking for it. Where do you see the words 'I am an expert' in any post of mine ? By the way, an alias may be the speciality of others, but not me, I have no need.

The rejoinder came swiftly: By the way, the same poster has often advised people not to post under their own names.

You have no need for an alias? What about your "scholar" alias? It this no alias, or is it?
I do not really believe that you are a "real" scholar and thus may have the right to call yourself like that.

Note the avoidance of the question and the belief that another has no right to choose his own pen name under which to post. He also confuses the word pseudonym with alias which as we know has criminal connotations
Oft times there follows posts by whom I can only refer to as acolytes, (though they may well be the poster himself at times), who offer wholehearted support and congratulations to their buddy for their brilliant words of wisdom. One can almost hear the rasping of tongue on buttock on these plentiful occasions.
As you have experienced yourself, there is no point in giving a rational argument to support your case as the mind of the individuals concerned are closed to any persuasion but their own.
The following example may shed more light upon the fixated attitude of the oracle known as., (I dont need to name the individual and anyway, I believe the post was made by the same person using a second pseudonym)

"That's because you are doing what dodgy recruiters do here, namely receiving introduction fees for supplying foreign teachers to any old educational establishment requiring them."

J. Latimer responds although had previously explained his workings:

I am by no means an ESL recruiter who recruits people for positions all over China.
I do not sell teachers for profit! I teach and have taught at every school where a foreign teacher might be placed here in Hengyang.
W.C.I.E.C. only deals with a handful of local public schools in Hengyang.

The responses to that, this time under the posters usual name, were:

As you are working for that crappy outfit, it is clear you do not like it and that you will claim it is not true.
Wancheng is primarily a Chinese business, and that would tell me that they remain to be a crap place, full of deceit and evil as long as they are around.

In remarking upon all of the above, I havent had to trawl through more than a couple of weeks worth of recent posts in one or two threads, but I believe the pattern will be the same if anyone has the time to check further back.
I doubt that anything either you or I have to say will alter the status quo that we have been become used to but I laud the opening comment to your post which I reproduce at the head of this minor missive.
Good luck John and dont let the b*****ds grind you down.
p.s. I expect Ill receive the usual accusations if this post appears. (recruiter, which Im not, F.Zhang supporter, again not or apologist for crappy schools, likewise.

#3 Parent John Latimer - 2009-03-13

Your replies are like a broken record. The same old lines in a different posting. The following are some of your quotes from this thread:

As you are working for that crappy outfit, it is clear you do not like it and that you will claim it is not true.
Wancheng a crappy business before under "Wei Wei" (I am wondering how this name would read in Chinese characters!) and now a decent business under yourself? Hard to believe.....
Better close it down, the name itself of that crappy business has no reputation!
"Cannot imagine that the Wancheng something outfit has changed that much".

If one were to follow this thread back to it is origin (WCEIEC Wancheng International Feb. 4th posting by Silverboy), and read through, it will bring to light the defects in your thought process. Your accusations are based on nothing but conjecture. When I have asked you direct questions, I get no response. You have posted under at least one alias Eyu, thinking what a clever boy you are, and you seem to be having illusions that I am Paul from Canada. On a final note, you seem to be preoccupied with your virtual crocs. It all sounds a bit neurotic.
I would advise anyone who cares to respond, to carefully read all of Turnois postings concerning this matter, and decide for yourself if he utilizes rational thinking and sound logic.

Neurotics build castles in the sand, psychotics live in them, and psychiatrists
collect the rent.

Happy trails

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