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#1 Parent Turino - 2009-03-19
Re: More on Perlandas -- NOT TO BE BELIEVED! *Picture*

But you don't know the situation in China from province to province because your research hasn't been comprehensive enough.

#2 Parent Trotter - 2009-03-19
Re: More on Perlandas -- NOT TO BE BELIEVED!

But the Eastern cheats can be cheated by astute Westerners - you'd better believe it,I should know, I've been at it for yonks, and I'm NOT alone! Porky's revenge? ha ha!!!

#3 Parent Stephen - 2009-03-19
Re: More on Perlandas -- NOT TO BE BELIEVED! *Picture*

I'm glad I decided to look him up first. I almost bought into this guy, but as soon as he said I don't need a degree in order to teach in China, the alarms went off. I wrote another message back to him stating that I had only one of the items he needed and could only get two of the other three. The one item I couldn't get was a TESOL certificate. Which he said was not needed. Sorry, but I've done my research and I know I need the degree and the TESOL certificate to teach in China. This guy is a scam artist, stay away from him.

#4 Parent Raoul Duke - 2007-12-08
Re: More on Perlandas -- NOT TO BE BELIEVED! *Picture*

What an amazingly bright post!
And so true.
I guess maybe many newcomers here don't even realize how important it is to look where they are leaping. A lot of Westerners can't imagine such utterly corrupt societies until they've lived in one...

#5 Parent Choatle - 2007-12-08
Re: More on Perlandas -- NOT TO BE BELIEVED!

Ignorance is how, it's really that simple. People often don't do the simple research required.

Also, you have the folks who are not in China and don't know any better. Those people coming from western countries are naive about how things work here. They are used to the advanced social structure and laws in their countries, which actually monitor and met out consequences to jackals such as this person. It is not within their experience to believe someone can be this blatantly dishonest in business and get away with it.

It is also a mater of just plain stupidity and a too trusting nature.

Bottom line is that, for those of us who have never been to or worked in China, we are ill prepared period for the experience it seem. At least this seems true for the majority.

If only people would learn how to use google.

Perlandas is very slick, using such a slick name, claiming to be some kind of law firm or something. People who see that think they can't possibly be anything but on the up and up. LOL, what a joke. The Chinese are masters at wearing pretty masks that hide rot underneath.

However, the people falling for it are not entirely to blame. These recruiters have so many clever scams going it's obscene. They will use the names of legit ESL websites in their email addresses, change their email every other day, send you fake reference letters that are supposed to be from teachers working at the school you are considering working at. The list goes on and on and on.

First off, always ask for the schools name. Then ask for at least 3 phone numbers of people working at that school as teachers. If they have no problem giving you these things then you might be OK. Then ask every question that is relevant. If they have a problem answering that day, or at all, then you know there is a problem.

Bottom line, don't trust anyone. Ask lots of questions, and if they don't like it, go somewhere else. If they won't give you the schools name it means the school probably does not know this person is even looking to find them a teacher. Or they are afraid the school will just bypass them and hire you, thereby not having to pay the recruiter their fee. If thats the case then that school is a dishonest fly by night outfit, to be avoided.

The truth is many who come here just are not very bright, or simply lack the life experience to see how they could get screwed over so royally. They just don't seem to realize that, technically speaking, China is still a third world country, far behind the west. It also is not a democracy, and corruption runs rampant. These folks can operate because of these factors, and because they have more friends in all the right places then you do.

Always do your research folks, and use google for Gods sake.

#6 Parent Raoul Duke - 2007-12-07
Re: More on Perlandas -- NOT TO BE BELIEVED! *Picture*

They are indeed a recruiter.
I strongly concur that we do not need recruiters...I regard recruiters as a parasitic infestation of our industry.

Even in this sordid context, though, Perlandas stands out as being among the very worst. Bottom of the barrel. They have an overwhelming collection of bad experience reports, spanning many years.

How on earth this company continues to find new victims is simply beyond me.

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