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#1 Parent NPN Gains - 2009-04-02
Re: reply to NPN Gains

I reckon John Howard, the ex PM, has a lot to answer for for the transformation of Australia into a land where too many of the 'haves' are too quick to blame the 'have-nots' for your country's woes.
Social sympathy has lessened dramatically in recent years in the eyes of many observers. These days, too many of the privileged classes expect the underprivileged classes to go on working for peanuts so that the former are able to maintain their high standard of living in a changing world. And the jobless are too conveniently blamed en masse when the economy shrinks. Meanwhile, the cost of housing in Sydney's suburbs has rocketed so much in the last decade that a young married couple on teachers' salaries are unable to set up a mortgage as first-time buyers. So they have no option but to pay high rent for housing in and around Sydney, or waste time and money commuting from much farther afield.
The reason I say all of this is that I often listen to radio programmes such as 'Late Night Live' and 'Australia Talks',formerly 'Australia Talks Back',on short wave here in China. In this way I can find out what's going on in your country and the attitudes of many of your fellow citizens despite never having been there myself.

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