Return to Index › New Century School, Dalian - ESL school review
#1 Parent Sad american - 2009-04-16
Re: New Century School, Dalian - ESL school review

what great English you write,let me guess,you are one of the Chinese teachers working here,or even one of the teachers mentioned in this post.Cheap effort to clear your name,just goes to show these reports are true and they are having an effect. No name and the obvious lack of English only makes your position worse.good effort..sadly,bad decision...

#2 Parent there - 2009-04-15
Re: New Century School, Dalian - ESL school review

well, i have been there for 7 months or so, and have not seen anything crazy, stories are there sure, and maybe some is true,and then maybe some is not? but it does seem that some have a gripe on the place. personally, if i am not bothered, i have no problem, the students that I deal with want to learn for the most part, and i do not mind doing what I can do to continue their english. there is good and bad all around, and china is not the easiest place in the world either. so as someone who is there, i can only know what i see for being factual, and i only need to deal with problems that may come my way.I have been in china for some time, and there are always stories, some are real, some true, and sadly some are blown out of proportion.

#3 Parent ryan - 2009-04-08
Re: New Century School, Dalian - ESL school review

I was a teacher there recently,I was promised a job,contract etc.I was used until they had the busy period covered and then with no warning was told they no longer wanted me there.I had no job lined up and was left out in the cold so to speak.
I had been teaching in China before this and I really did not deserve this treatment.I have since returned home and will never teach in China again.It really does give the Chinese people a bad name and they should be ashamed of the way they treat you,What goes around comes around and judging by the amount of posts here,things are getting rather desperate for the New Century...

#4 Parent EX Teacher - 2009-04-08
Re: New Century School, Dalian - ESL school review

I can only agree with all points here,if enough of us keep up the pressure,these people will eventually be forced out and then foreign teachers and honest chinese people will not have to be associated with these liars.keep the postings and stories coming..

#5 Parent Karmachameleon - 2009-03-21
Re: New Century School, Dalian - ESL school review

I know a real bad guy from Scotland whose wife is Chinese,they have taken that 'school' to the cleaners. Rightly or wrongly that's what they did. I admire them for having done that!

#6 Parent confuseddalian - 2009-03-21
Re: New Century School, Dalian - ESL school review

As a teacher in Dalian exposed to all kinds of terryfying school stories, none have sickened me or shocked me more than New Century. I have been here about a year now, and i have met ex teachers from there and other expats not even connected to education and they have only confirmed the stories told on here.However they are still in business, largely due to their "we don't care where your from as long as you speak english" attitude, and no offence meant here but they have a Mexican, Swede, Korean, and an African teachers there and i have spoke with them and i can't really make out what they are saying....i know that english is widely spoken in all of the above countries, but not with a clear accent such as America, Canada or the UK for example.They were told to lie to their students about their nationalities just to protect New Centuries interests...what a joke! Further more, they have a few male Chinese teachers ( if you can call them that ) that frequent bars here to "network" with potential victims as part of their evil recruitment schemes, all i saw was drunken, pathetic behaviour and fountains of lies spewed out. New Century as a school is awful, from the outside it looks totally unprofessional, and their second branch is on the 6th floor of a run down hotel...and you are punished for absolutely no reason at all...including being late for a lesson even though the school transport took you there!! I have students who have left that school and come to ours, simply on the fact that the foreign teacher was lazy, or didnt show up, or that the Chinese teacher spent more time on his/her cell phone than teaching....i have met with one teacher, great guy, and he spent 16 months at that school...just his experience alone is frightening....just stay away from there.

#7 Parent Ian - 2009-01-26
Re: New Century School, Dalian - ESL school review

I totally understand Sad American's comments here, as well as agree with the other points here too. Although i only worked part time for the evil regime headed by Robert, Dawei and Amy....i saw and heard things that would in my view, border on the dangerous, and life threatening. I will give you some examples should you be crazy, or desperate enough to work there.

There are no fire escapes.....just a jump out of the window. The school was inspected by the local fire authorities and had to put up a few signs and open up a sealed doorway to create a fire escape....problem is, they opened the doorway, but the exit leads into another building next door...and is firmly locked..."sorry your child burned to death, we couldn't find the keys"

The school is a former restaurant i believe, the stairs are narrow and steep, and during break times or class turnarounds you have parents cramming into the corridors, and pushing and shoving ( even fighting ) to claim their is not safe, and many a child/adult has fallen down the stairs and more recently trampled and badly hurt. Their is no security to speak off, 2 bus drivers and a few girls manning the front desk, but theft from the teachers office is rife.

The Chinese TA in the classroom is nothing more than a classroom monitor ( with few exceptions )and even then their control over the kids is poor to say the least,i lost it once big time because i was hit by a student...the teacher did nothing except say "their just kids" was an SBS4 class with kids aged 14 0r 15 and they just saw it as 2 hours of messing around. Don't expect much help with translation, the students do a better job than the TA, and speaking of TA's if you are the sad person who works there, god forbid, never trust anybody there....even if they say something to you about the boss DAWEI SHA are being set up and most likely get yourself fired and worse as you have read here.

Examinations.....what a joke! i am sure this happens elsewhere, but i am not used to this method, and the method is simply "CHEAT AND LIE" of course this way makes good business sense in a very competitive market, but i was told the testing format and almost pissed myself with laughter at how we must grade the kids for eg: 5 questions...maximum score = 50. so obviously 10 points per question....the score you give is based on 1.response time 2.clarity 3.grammar use 4.loud/quiet 5.full sentences and so on.....we were told that we could NOT give a student less than i think it was 42/50 or 52/60 ( depending on the test ) which means a kid if knowing this, could enter the test room ( ha ha test room, i will comr back to this point )and not open his/her mouth and pass the test!! what a wonderful way to learn.....dumb, dumb.

Test room....there isn't one. Your chosen area will be a disused classroom ( usually full of the parents ) or a chair in the forementioned narrow and dangerous corridors.So whats wrong with that? certainly when testing the younger kids...parents will stand above them or you, watching you mark the scores and putting the kid under so much pressure....i once had a child cry so much that the parent beat the kid infront of me, just for the chld to answer irrelevant mentioned with the scoring, i abandoned the test and asked my TA to have ALL the parents removed from that worked, to my cost....

I was never a victim of physical brutality, or suffered disgraceful living conditions with them, however i did get quite friendly with a few of the full time foreign teachers there, and did see their homes, they were not fit for pigs, or the cockroaches that were making a run for the door,not only filthy and poorly maintained, but also in very dangerous areas, known to have trouble.I have heard most of the stories that are documented here, whether they are true or not..who knows? but from my experience of them i would say its highly likely that they are.

#8 Parent sad american - 2009-01-13
Re: New Century School, Dalian - ESL school review

Forgot to add,don't trust them with the apartments,they sent me pictures of an apartment,looked nice then was taken to a total shit hole and told i was to stay her,i told them i was shown a different picture and they said and i quote,'things always look better in pictures'...They need to be closed down,their boss is nothing but a crook,he has some people he knows and seems to have enough contacts to get away with running his business,it has left me with such a bad impression of china..

#9 Parent andywilliams - 2009-01-12
Re: New Century School, Dalian - ESL school review

Jon....i had dealings with them last year, i was going to join them but got early warning signs when their emails were very contradicting...they gave me 2 email addresses of foreign teachers that were employed there, one from Australia and the other from USA. I contacted both and only received a reply from the Australian fella, whilst his comments on the school were hardly awe inspiring he did confirm that many of the stories posted here were true, the American by the way did not respond because the email given was a fake and set up by New Century...a guy called Michael. I eventually arrived in Dalian to work and met up socially with both of the forementioned teachers, and the guy from USA was shocked that the school had tried to set him up as recruitment bait. But he could only tell me this of the supposed pedophile.

It was during a test that one of the questions from the book was this "touch this how does it feel?" so i dont need to go into to much detail as to what the poor student had to touch....the kid told the parents, they got the police....and because the owner of New Century is so feared, and being an ex lawyer it was brushed under the carpet. Some weeks later, he was caught again by one of his colleagues at a Primary school in the city...that teacher who i have also met,explained that during his conversations with the suspected man, he would always dissappear during the 10 minute breaks between the toilets....could have a weak bladder....but after he was caught by him, the weak bladder theory was rendered mute. And if this was not enough.....he was caught again in the act of displaying his privates to students by the schools caretaker/repair man....and nothing happened. The reason nothing happened is beacause if they had fired him, they would have been in further difficulties with their recruitment of teachers....loss of money being more the problem i guess. As i have said before and will say again.....DO NOT GO NEAR THIS SCHOOL.

And although i have never met you Jon, i am wandering if you are the Jon i have heard horror stories about? If you are, then you will know the following initials of people from your country JB,AM,RM....they told me about new Century....if you needed anyproof.

#10 Parent chinajon - 2008-12-13
Re: New Century School, Dalian - ESL school review

if u guys are gonna post stories on here about a pedophile working at this school maybe u should back it up with some facts...rather than just a bunch of he said she said crap!!!

#11 Parent chinajon - 2008-12-04
Re: New Century School, Dalian - ESL school review

that's ur elaboration??? the guy was a writer??? how about what happened??? what was the police involvement etc.

#12 Parent Jim - 2008-12-02
Re: New Century School, Dalian - ESL school review

Yes I can. Apparently the guy was a writer.

#13 Parent chinajon - 2008-12-02
Re: New Century School, Dalian - ESL school review

i read something about a pdeophile and the police being involved on here...can someon elaborate on this??? very interested since i used to work at the place, still live in dalian and still hear horror stories about new century but i hadn't heard that one!!!

#14 Parent johnsmith - 2008-09-12
Re: New Century School, Dalian - ESL school review

Not sure what your getting at Mongolian Pony? Fact of the matter still remains, New Century School of Cheats, Liars,and Thieves is was it is and so accurately written about on here.The aim here is to warn Newbie Teachers thinking of Going to Dalian, that NEW CENTURY SCHOOL is to be avoided at all costs! Do we ( those of us that live in Dalian or China for that matter and love it here ) really want our fellow countrymen to experience schools like New Century for their first experience in China? Of course why not say how crap it is at that school? Had i done my homework more carefully before leaving the US i would never have chosen that hellhole,and those of you who know Dalian know i am right. Of course other schools may write on here things about their competitors to try and influence FT's decision making on schools here in Dalian, and maybe past Teachers who were in the Boss of New Centurie's Pocket will defend that school, when i know for sure they know that New Century is and still does many very dangerous and Illegal activities....shame on them.I for one after reading the recent posting about the sick piece of Human crap that they have working there could not believe what i read and yes i did take it with a pinch of salt, but i have asked around and it does appear to be true.....only one problem i have with it, if the Police were involved, surely he would of been arrested and thrown into a Chinese Jail? Hmmmmmmmm.............

#15 Parent Looking for a job - 2008-09-04
Re: New Century School, Dalian - ESL school review

Wow, after reading some of these posts... I was thinking of teaching in Dalian because I heard it was a beautiful school. I were certainly avoid this school. This is disgusting and revolting with some of the reviews. These degenerates give me sadness for the human race, I can't believe people like this exist. Lesser humans, sub humans, pathetic beings...

This school is on my avoid list, I will pass it around.


#16 Parent Bossman - 2008-09-03
Re: New Century School, Dalian - ESL school review

If there is one thing New Century fears, its the power of the internet!! If you have been a victim of, or know anybody or anything about this treacherous school, then speak up! Maybe they wont change their ways there, but surely we can harm their prospects for hiring can't we?

So come on, and i know your out there,use this opportunity to name and shame this place, and maybe, just maybe they will cease to exist and never have to put their long suffering employess through hell, that they currently do.

Pamela - 2006-07-29
New Century School, Dalian - ESL school review

Avoid this school at all costs! The owner is a corrupt lawyer who will cheat you out of your wages and will fire you if you query his accounting methods! The contract means absolutely nothing and will be changed at the owner's whim... usually to your disadvantage!

I can supply details of many specific instances if required.

There are many good, reputable schools in Dalian and other cities in China- this is not one of them!! Be warned!

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