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#1 Parent John O’Shei - 2013-08-03
Re: New Century English School Dalian

One or two spelling and punctuation errors, particularly in regards to the use of capital letters suggests that you are either not really a decent teacher at all or that you are actually just another Chinese scammer. Not to mention that your post was practically an advertisement. I'll take anything that you say with a pinch of salt.

#2 Parent Current Teacher and Very Pleased - 2013-08-02
Re: New Century English School Dalian

I'm going to state my position on this school. Take it for what you feel it's worth.

I see a lot of Negative posts on here and it seem's to be from the same person posting under multiple aliases. This is pretty evident in the constant use of vulgarities and descript choice words he uses to describe the school.

Whatever the case maybe. I can tell you, the negative posts couldn't be further from the Truth. I am a current teacher with New Century and if you are so curious as to who I am you can look for me at the number 1 or number 3 school. I'm the only teacher in the whole company that has his arms covered in tattoo's. Oh I should mention. I'm also the only American Teacher among Australian and Chinese teachers at this school.

First of all:

Whatever may have been the case back in 2009. It's not that way now. New Century is a far more professional private school than any of the other private schools that wanted to hire me. I chose New Century for 3 reasons. It was convienent. It allows me to have time off so I can spend time with my wife. The pay is good enough for me not to want to go anywhere else.

The "nothing more than a dancing monkey" comment is just retard. Because no matter where you teach you're going to have to make your classes engaging for the students. New Century is not a Traditional teaching atmosphere where you just hammer into the childrens head what they need to learn. They come to this school after they've already finished school. So we have to make it interesting for them. So they actually learn. Rather than memorize.


If you're not happy with the work you did with New Century. That just means you're a miserable/terrible teacher all around. These kids are easy to teach. There is nothing hard about going over vocabulary, doing a few pages in a book, getting them to use what they learned and impliment that in games. There is absolutely nothing difficult about that. Don't blame the school for your shitty approach and attitude toward the school because you expected it to be a 9 - 5 desk Job. Get bent.


If you were fired or let go from New Century, there had to be an extremely valid reason for it. Such as, the students didn't like you. You were too strict with them or just boring. You did something that violated your contract... or the best and most common one I see. Especially with the Immature/Younger teachers. You didn't show up to your classes because you stayed up one to many times partying and drinking.

My point being, this school is not at all how these people with the negative comments claim for them to be. I'm currently working here. Everyone is great with me. They enjoy the new and productive Ideas I bring to the classes to make the classes more active and fun. They're very open to hearing what you have to say.

All in all. New Century is a great company to work for. If you have time to talk shit on the internet. You have time to find a hobby rather than complaining.

Again for you Highspeed Negative Nancy's on here. I gave you my description and where to find me if you're so curious as to who I am and where to find me. I won't be hard to spot. Just be careful on who you approach me.

#3 Parent baggyboy - 2009-05-13
Re: New Century English School Dalian

Happy have been there over a year now you say? and that the management are kind hearted? what a load of written by a member of the Corrupt Chinese staff BS!!! I know all of the Teachers ( Foreign ) that currently work there and not one of them has been there a year. A hate Campaign? what the hell do you expect? i spent more than 18 months in NEW CENTURY SCHOOL OF CHEATS, LIARS, AND THIEVES and the treatment given to us FT'S and to "some" of the Chinese staff was and still is a disgrace.

You only have to walk into Dawei's office to realise what a show of corrupt power he has,intimidation and fear techniques....i truly believe he thinks he is "God like" the office, which is repugnant and tacky, does not have enough gold in it for King Midas to feel happy ( gold fleck shag pile carpet, gold lamps and old school style telephone, cystine chapel copied wallpaper on the on and so on... ) i was directly threatened by him over his and his staff's incompetence leaving me with pure hate in my heart towards them, not to mention, loss of earnings, being ripped off, promises being made and never delivered,putting us and the students in harms way...if you are really thinking of going there then you will suffer,they even provide email addresses so that you can ask teachers what its like there....NOT REAL!!

#4 Parent 3 rd party - 2009-04-22
Re: New Century English School Dalian

I have been reading these posts for sometime now,some seem to be going off the topic.

New Century in Dalian was one of the worst 'Schools' In China. fact

Now they say,via employed helpers shall we say,they are great,made mistakes and are credible.

That is debatable,the simple truth to any teacher even considering this place to work....why risk it?

There are so many good schools in Dalian to chose from,It would be interesting for any current teachers,bona fide teachers to post here,give their opinion,problem is I fear they would run into problems or be threatened by New Century Management.

Remember Teachers,this is only one of the many sites with bad reports on New Century,read and make your own decisions.

#5 Parent Theo - 2009-04-21
Re: New Century English School Dalian

Monikers "Happy Teacher" and "Happy Teacher Too" do NOTHING to bolster the credibility of your claims. I find it interesting (and have for years here) that those who proclaim their school is so great, NEVER want to provide more specific, concrete information. The reason Turnoi talks about tooting one's own horn, is because such things happen on this forum (and other ESL forums as well): school "leaders" or "managers" (and recruiters) trying to create some desperate damage control to counter their well-developed poor repuatation.

Perhaps New Century is indeed a good place to work, but to make me believe it, you must provide much more credible information; certainly more than arguing with Turnoi.

Those of us who have lived and worked in China for several years (I am one of them) are all too familiar with many of the tricks of ESL trade. There's a myriad of reasons we've become highly skeptical and cynical toward such puff posts.

#6 Parent Happy teacher too - 2009-04-20
Re: New Century English School Dalian

Happy teachers means high quality teaching. This in turn means increased business and enhanced profits for schools. Please be advised that New Century English School of Dalian has become a reputable employer.
As you know very well, you're out of touch with the present situation here. But from far afield you cast dispersions on the honest words of those of us teching here.
Why don't you refrain from your hate campaign against training centers and private schools? You know, good ones do exist. Surely you can find something more productive to occupy your time with.
Incidentally, trumpets don't toot. That's what horns do. Stop tooting yours regarding New Century English School of Dalian. Look, your warning has no foundation and is therefore totally unwarranted!

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