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#1 Parent Cloakridge - 2014-01-09
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China

Bad Bad Image Green Oasis School in Shenzhen. Who the hell are the HEADS of this school. Be careful.
They have no heads, and that's why they have no brain either. The principal's office has no head either and thus no....?.....what?.....- right!..----- no brains! It's just a room filled with air. What can paying parents expect from such an extraordinary place? A white monkey in his muppet show called McDoodle the Foodle.
#2 Parent hlsinki - 2010-06-10
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China

This is all true..........

J G[edited] needs to go. He [edited] behaviour outside of school and his poor managment skills inside of the school, has caused a huge amount of damage to the welfare of staff. He has also been very rude to parents and has not made it a pleasant educational environment to work in for students.
It is a shame they got rid of the former principal D K[edited], who was trying to mould the school into an international one. He had a lot of experience (in places such as Papau New Guinea, the middle east, Africa and South Korea), but the some staff who supported J G[edited] made it difficult for him to do his job to his fullest extent.

Although the new principal. M N[edited], is doing an excellent job. It is a shame J G[edited] is still there, but hopefully the old Scot will filter out once he has made enough money for his retirement plan. He obviously isn't at the school for the students or the future of education.

#3 Parent Billy Boy - 2010-04-25
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China

I think it's good that you stand up for your schoool. Unfortunately, I have been there and know the truth...That's why there is a parents meeting at 4.30 on Friday to tell more lies to the parents about why teachers have been sacked.

Read other posts by me and Bull Frog, we are telling the truth because we know what is happening.

#4 Parent Billy Boy - 2010-04-19
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China

Well said, and as I've said elsewhere, it's about to get worse. Why else would they need to put 20 job adverts in the TES before Easter!

#5 Parent BillyBoy - 2010-04-13
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China

All this is correct.

#6 Parent hellonwheels - 2010-01-31
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China

The principal for the school at the moment is a clown. He was a board of director at the school and found himself out of a job once a school in Beijing the board were to open failed. He would have been principal at this new school. The last principal at Green Oasis who was trying to create an International school, was ushered out and has been slandered by the school ever since. They were able to do this from accusations made by 2 board members and a Chinese woman who is now support services at the school. There was never any proof or any legal action against the former principal. Staff have asked and fought, trying to get some answers, but the board and the new principal have denied every request. The new principal was clearly in on it and it has now been turned into a bilingual school. Read the current letter about staff changes on the website to see what kind of man runs this school. I would advise not to work here, those who are employing you lie and never fulfill the contract you signed.

#7 Parent That was a long time ago! - 2009-04-26
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China

That Mandreia must have been a very stupid person!However that was a long time ago,why are you taking an example of that?Leave her.The thing now is that Green oasis school is the best and only school in Shenzhen providing Cambridge Curriculum,the best curriculum right now!I think everyone who thinks this is a bad school MUST visit the school and see for themselves!It is seriously a very good school!The best school in Shenzhen,i think.

Thankyou for reading

#8 Parent Sheena - 2009-04-25
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China

(Message Deleted by Poster) (Mandreia)

Quote from MANDREIA'S post of 27.9.2008:

"mAYBE SHE couldn't be a good teacher so instead of hurting her feelings they must have said visa problems!"

A blot on the landscape!

#9 Parent Who the hell are you to say that green oasis school is a bad school? - 2009-04-24
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China

R u out of your mind or something?GOS is the best school in shenzhen!It provides Cambridge curriculum for your kind information! It is becoming the best school right now!IT IS THE BEST SCHOOL IN WHOLE OF SHENZHEN!GOS ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GOS ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GOS ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOU ARE A STUPID, IDIOT can't just comment on a school without actually visiting it, you fool!Hahahahahahaha,you have no brains!I am not disrespecting you or something i am just telling the truth right now since I am sooooooo angry no one has actually visited the green oasis school and are telling it bad and agreeing with what happened with one of the people!Maybe whatever that person said was wrong!ARE YOU VERY VERY SURE IT IS TRUE, WHATEVER THAT WOMAN SAID!?!You don't even know if it was a lie!Maybe she said that to take revenge and maybe she is in some other school whose team lost against gos!WHO KNOWS!

thanks for reading this,
You may think i am very disrespectful but that is truly not me!I am just saying the truth!i am just very angry that everyone is calling the GOS bad accept some knowledgeable people like those who were for GOS and tried to make you guys understand the reality!

#10 Parent oasis - 2009-04-19
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China

Bad Bad Image Green Oasis School in Shenzhen. Who the hell are the HEADS of this school. Be careful.

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