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#1 Parent Cantankerous - 2009-04-26
Re: Public Schools Seoul

Well, I have to say that I'd like to be able to enjoy the option of dodging those goofy public appearance events. I wouldn't sweat it if I were you about not being asked to attend those things. Where I'm working now, they force us to attend those 'special events' on Saturdays after we'd been teaching several classes that day.
Koreans are what they are and it's a sad fact that they often discriminate against those who aren't white, but they are not alone with doing this in the region. Frankly, there's nothing you or anyone else can do about it. It's a situation which may change over time, or more likely not change at all.

What you want to do is try you best to complete the contract to avoid anyone at your current school badmouthing you online, or worse, blacklisting you in a regional work immigration office. Even if they don't go down the road of trying to blacklist you, a record of an uncompleted work visa will be registered under your name at the immi office, making it more difficult for you to obtain a better job in the future. Common ESL Korean employers (both private and public) can freely access this data as I've been asked about an uncompleted work visa which I had in the distant past numerous times. BTW, what's the name of the specific public school you are having a bad experience with?

EdUp/Win - 2009-04-21
Public Schools Seoul


They treat their foreign employees as scum.

They refuse to hire blacks and other non-whites.

They also discriminate on religion.

They have lots of meetings and social events but the foreign teachers are never invited. You aren't allowed use of a computer unlike your Korean co-worker and they never listen to you because your opinion means nothing.

They charge you 200,000 a day if you miss a day due to sickness.

They won't help you find housing in the area you'll be working either.

They want you to have a seperate bank account just for their deposits which don't always come on time or in full.

They just don't have a clue how to treat people or run a business.

Forget about working for them. You'll really regret it.

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