Return to Index › Re: *The* Frank Zhang ~ Chameleon of the Orient
#1 Parent Edward - 2009-05-01
Re: *The* Frank Zhang ~ Chameleon of the Orient

Well, perhaps he's learned his lesson then. I say that it took him a very long time, indeed. Somehow, I think he will be back.

#2 Parent Turino - 2009-04-27
Re: *The* Frank Zhang ~ Chameleon of the Orient

But maybe he has posted on this board!It's just that we wouldn't necessarily know.Why not?Because he's a chameleon of the Orient,well used to adopting new aliases in order to go on entrapping unsuspecting targets,both at home and abroad.
By the way,I'm sure his underhand tactics have been adopted by other chameleons here in China,such as Sylvester of Chongqing notoriety,aka Lester,but not Sylvester the cat,though his brother 'operating' in Heilongjiang goes under the psuedonym of 'Mr Lion'!
Are cats and lizards infamous for their dishonesty?

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