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#1 Parent Turino - 2009-05-04
Re: Religion in China

I disagree with your assessment of me as Turnoi's admirer.My posts have been seen to differ in basic philosophy from Turnoi's on quite a few separate topics.What's more,they do not always target TC's and recruiters as disreputable employers,which his tend to do.Your pseudonym leads me to believe you are an American.

#2 Parent Gitmo - 2009-05-04
Re: Religion in China

Having not only you, but also Turnoi, his 'admirer' Turino, and others, continually posting against TC's and other private educational enterprises as well as recruiters, bores me to death. And none of you has a good word to say about any of them. You lump them all together as bad, and if someone posts that one of them has improved, or is good, you refuse to agree with that poster's assessment. Yes, indeed, you're waging your own war of propaganda, and what's insulting about it is that you assume the rest of us, the board readers, to be slow on the uptake, and therefore in need of constant reminding of your chosen agenda. But you forget that here in China, there are public schools just as bad as the other providers of education because education has become a lucrative and unregulated business that allows greedy bosses right across the entire educational spectrum to fleece caring, unsuspecting, and desperate parents who only want the best for their children. Give it a rest, please. Your message has been rammed down our throats! We've well and truly got it. Enough is enough!

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