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#1 Parent SS - 2010-03-19
Re: Nanchang Hangkong University in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province

I would agree with the above poster, I have been working as a teacher at the University for a few months now and find that they look after their foreign teaching staff very well. I thought it would be approprate to comment on the above posts because they almost put me off from coming myself until I got into contact with current teachers.

I have been informed that the teachers who are bad mouthing the University were kicked out for various breaches of contract and in retaliation they are spreading propoganda against the school. Admittedly, it's not the best place in China to teach but it is cheap as hell and has good transportation links elsewhere. The school look after foreign teachers very well in just about any problem, pay on time and provide more than adequate accommodation.

Just remember if you do decide to teach here its all about what you make of it and what you want out of it. So far I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here and would assure any potential teacher that they would not be cheated if they come here. The campus is clean, beautiful and we have many teachers who have stayed with the University for almost 5 years now.

#2 Parent Ana - 2009-11-18
Re: Nanchang Hangkong University in Nanchang, Jiangxi Provin

Hi, I've read that your school seems good, do they have any vacancy this coming 2010?

#3 Parent Adam Hughs - 2009-11-18
Re: Nanchang Hangkong University in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province

I saw these messages by chance. I am a full-time foreign teacher working in this university, and I do think I am working fine here. The international office in this university is trying their best to help all foreign teachers to settle down and enjoy the life in the university.I think they are doing a good job.

I don't think the French teacher and the person with initial 'T' have told the truth (Strange to me, I have been working here for two years, and I don't really know this 'T' person). The situation of that American person as Francis said (Still strange to me, I don't know Francis, either) is not true. As I know, this American person didn't have any contract with the university and he was tested having severe problems with his heart, not liver! He knew his problem and he didn't tell the university the truth when he came here, until being tested.

Anyway, the transportation in China is fast nowadays. You could easily come to Nanchang and this University yourself. And you can find the truth here,yourself.

#4 Parent Francis - 2009-10-21
Re: Nanchang Hangkong University in Nanchang, Jiangxi Provin

It seems they were at it again. An American teacher was sent away, after they found out that he was overweight. It didn't really matter to the Waiban, i.e. Maggy and her sidekicks, that they'd already offered him a contract when he was still in the States. After he had had the medical in Nanchang (again!), they told him that there was something wrong with his liver, so they wouldn't hire him. Damn!! Now he's back in the States after having spent a small fortune on travel expenses and hotels costs. A bit strange, but they're running out of foreign teachers; some of they leave after the winter holiday, never to return to this hell hole.

#5 Parent Eire - 2009-07-09
Re: Nanchang Hangkong University in Nanchang, Jiangxi Provin

Keep away from this school !!!

Yeah, I'd definitely agree with French teacher. Working here for a year was sheer hell, if not for the students who made things a weeny bit more agreeable. Maggie- head of the waiban- is a untrustworthy liar with no respect for foreign teachers nor her direct colleagues. It's because of her that many good teachers here left and are now working elsewhere in China.

The thing with the fake emails also seems to be true, as a friend of mine was given an emailaddress of a non-existing colleague, lol.

Another colleague of mine was sent away for having written things about this school and Maggie, although he wasn't to be blamed for that...... It even seems that they're checking our Internet.

Find yourself another place to teach.

#6 Parent Fritzl - 2009-05-05
Re: Nanchang Hangkong University in Nanchang, Jiangxi Provin


I agree with the "French teacher"

The noise from their Navy building is asthonishing. From 6 A.M. till 8 A.M. you'll hear nationalistic songs louder than on a heavy metal concert :) The FAO isn't really willing to do anything against it, because they're too afraid it might "harm their relation with the army".

As for the rest, I also agree with the French teacher. I'm one of the 5 teachers that's leaving. Another aspect that was not mentioned is that they've turned the whole campus in one big driving range for students that want to learn driving. Besides all the noise and incredible pollution that comes from the extra 100 cars or so, you also have to be extremely careful when you're walking around.

I'll be going to another university this August. TAKE CARE, DON'T APPLY FOR THIS UNIVERSITY

#7 Parent Mary - 2009-05-02
(Message Deleted by Poster)
#8 Parent perplexed - 2009-05-01
Re: Nanchang Hangkong University in Nanchang, Jiangxi Provin

Can anyone explain why there is such a vast difference in how local PSBs monitor and/or deal with FTs? It seems that in some places there is pretty much a hands off policy, whereas in others such as what the poster "french teacher" has reported, there is some pretty serious monitoring.

I guess if one has nothing to hide, then there is no reason to worry about PSB control; on the other hand, just the thought of having them looking over my shoulder at all times makes me shudder.

#9 Parent Chen Yong Yong - 2009-05-01
(Message Deleted by Poster)
French teacher - 2009-04-29
Nanchang Hangkong University in Nanchang, Jiangxi Provin

caution new teachers interested in working in this university !!

I'd like to issue a severe warning against the Nanchang HangKong University in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province.

As a French teacher, I've worked for this university for 1 year, but I've decided to stop working here for the following reasons:

1. Maggie (Head of the Int. Office and her side-kick Luke, offer new teachers good-looking contracts, but once the new teachers arrive, they are presented with other, less agreeable contracts that they are more or less forced to sign, since they're already here, all alone, tired and jet lagged.

2. Out of the 7 foreign teachers that work here, 5 have decided to leave once their contract finishes.

3. Fake email address (answered by the Int. Off. themselves) are given to potential teachers that want to contact teachers that are currently working here.

4. There's been a camera placed in front of our central door. It registers all those entering and leaving the building.

5. Chinese girls are no allowed to enter our building. All our visitors need to register with the housekeepers, who lock the central door at 10 pm., so that late nights out and staying visitors are out of the question.

6. Every morning at 6 am., loudspeakers on the adjacent Navy school start shouting out their nationalistic songs, even during weekends. So everyone here is forced to wake up very early in the morning, even if they don't have to work and want to sleep late.

7. On trips that are supposed to be for foreign teachers only, Maggie and her side kick invite their friends and family on this trip, so that foreign teachers have to pay extra for the trip.

8. All foreign teachers live on the new campus, which means that you're far away from everything else, including the city centre, airport, etc. Transportation is difficult to get by, as buses are always overcrowded with students.

9. All Christian teachers are secretly monitored by students that report all 'religous activity' to the Int. Off
Some of our American teachers have been paid visits by local PSB officers

Beware of this school !!

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