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#1 Parent foxy - 2013-03-29
Re: Alley Xiwang Foreign Language School of Bai Yin

This type of "business" behavior is done in places like china where attention to detail isn't high on the priority list. I hope you will find something better.

Please expand. I dunno what you mean. Given the original poster's written English, maybe he can't find anywhere to teach in a developed place to teach in the PRC! That'd be coz attention to detail re his future competence or otherwise in class in the eyes of his potential employer would prevent him from obtaining a post! No offence meant to the original poster!


#2 Parent San Migs - 2013-03-29
Re: Alley Xiwang Foreign Language School of Bai Yin

It sounds like mancunian has returned. And yes, they should get fairly paid.

#3 Parent Dragonized - 2013-03-29
Re: Alley Xiwang Foreign Language School of Bai Yin

This type of "business" behavior is done in places like china where attention to detail isn't high on the priority list. I hope you will find something better.

#4 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-03-28
Re: Alley Xiwang Foreign Language School of Bai Yin

it is really a very stupid idea to work with alley xiwang foreign language school.
firstly, they pay you low salary, and the salary for white teachers are higher than teachers from Aferican countries, what they care is only the color of the skin, but not how you teach or wether the students like you;

secondly, they want completely Chinese way of teaching, if you want the students to be active they will say you are making to much noise, so what is the point to have foreign teachers to teach in a compelety Chinese way? is it only because of your face and skin color?

thirdly, the headmaster is really money-oriented, he is always trying to pay less money, and he always can find ways to cut down your salary, for the last two months i was just working for them for free, before i left they just found rediculous excauses fired me and paid me nothing,besides, they cancelled my residence permit, that shoun't be the way to treat the employees.

that was the most stupid decision i have ever made in my whole life to work for such kind school. i suggest nobody to come here, otherwise you will regret. YOU ARE WARNED!

Like anything else it's a sliding scale I'm afraid; if you come from some other planet the other side of the Milky Way you can't even command the wages that Africans command. The further away you are from being a first language English speaker the less money you are going to get-seems to be fair to me. This old colour onion again which is designed to get us all tripping over each other to prove we are not anti-colour has reared it's head again, if I may make so bold- a ploy! Nothing personal against you yourself.

#5 Parent pa - 2013-03-28
Re: Alley Xiwang Foreign Language School of Bai Yin

it is really a very stupid idea to work with alley xiwang foreign language school.
firstly, they pay you low salary, and the salary for white teachers are higher than teachers from Aferican countries, what they care is only the color of the skin, but not how you teach or wether the students like you;

secondly, they want completely Chinese way of teaching, if you want the students to be active they will say you are making to much noise, so what is the point to have foreign teachers to teach in a compelety Chinese way? is it only because of your face and skin color?

thirdly, the headmaster is really money-oriented, he is always trying to pay less money, and he always can find ways to cut down your salary, for the last two months i was just working for them for free, before i left they just found rediculous excauses fired me and paid me nothing,besides, they cancelled my residence permit, that shoun't be the way to treat the employees.

that was the most stupid decision i have ever made in my whole life to work for such kind school. i suggest nobody to come here, otherwise you will regret. YOU ARE WARNED!

#6 Parent Johannes - 2009-05-19
Re: Alley Xiwang Foreign Language School of Bai Yin

Indeed I agree with Philip never be so stupid to work for Alley Xiwang School, all teachers ran away from this idiot director

Philip - 2009-05-09
Alley Xiwang Foreign Language School of Bai Yin

It's not a good idea to work for Alley Xiwang Foreign Language School of Bai Yin City in Gansu Province. The headmaster lets parents and children be the judges of his foreign teachers. That's only the tip of the iceberg. You have been warned!

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