Return to Index › Tianjin Owen International Training School
#1 Parent John O’Shei - 2013-05-19
Re: Tianjin Owen International Training School

Actually the other Owen has a very bad reputation in China for a reason.

#2 Parent Owen International Education School Tianjin - 2013-05-19
Re: Tianjin Owen International Training School

Hi Sandra,

I work for this company, its been nearly a year now since I started working for them. Its a good honest company, they pay on time, they will help if you have troubles and are flexible in letting you choose which grades you would like to teach. The company has its own public school and then it is partnered with another 10 public schools in the Tianjin area. It's not actually a training school. I currently work in No 8 kindergarten and have no real gripes about working for them. They have a website now for more information. You can see me on the website and my testimonial, I plan to renew my contract with them, later this June.

Hope this information helps. TBH they pay a very good salary for just 15 hours work a week, plus have all the other benefits, insurances and free accommodation, flight reimbursement etc and if your really a good serious teacher, they will increase your salary. They have mine.

Hope that helps



This company is not to be confused with Buckland Owen <-- which i have worked for in the past.

#3 Parent Jimmy - 2009-05-14
Re: Tianjin Owen International Training School

Most (if not all) training centers in China have a bad reputation, or have done/will do something to bring on themselves the scorn of the Foreign Expert. If this is your first time to come to China, I would get yourself a job at a university or a reasonable High School.

Sandra - 2009-05-12
Tianjin Owen International Training School

Hello Guys,
I need your help on any info about Tianjin Owen International Training School .
Who has ever worked in this Training school or heard anything about them?
good or bad experience?
Really need your advice and comments.
Thank you in advance.

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