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#1 Parent spt - 2009-05-17
Re: school management

Hi. I'm a newbie in China and just started a job. I'm only asking if the below circumstance is normal. I interviewed with a private center for a kindergarten position even though I was not applying for that. My interview lasted all of 15 mins with a demo of singing songs questions of my experience or background. I told them many times that I have zero experience teaching kindergarten but they still gave me an offer. I was not interested and told them I they should consider someone else. They still hounded me and offered me more money. So I said what the heck and threw a figure out to them and they accepted and sent me a contract right away. Throughout this I repeated many many times I have no experience teaching kindergarten. They said no problem. I started last Monday with my first class and absolutely no training or texts to base a lesson on. I went into class blind with a lesson I prepared myself. The center couldn't even tell me what these kids had already learned. It was only on Thursday that the teachers at the kindergarten where the center has a contract gave me the text and course material. When I talk to the center staff and the principal at the center they just say sing songs and play games. I even saw a video of the previous teacher and for 30 minutes he didn't speak any english or teach. When I finally was able to find out what the students had learned, the center would change it sometimes in the evening after I prepared the lesson for the next day. For their english corner I was told to take the kids to the park and organize some games. For this I did not bother because kids can play anything in the park with the toys they have. Then the center staff really annoyed me when they asked that I go skip rope with the girls when the boys were flying kites. All the while they were videotaping. I flat out refused to look like a fool and skip rope with girls and they seemed upset by this. To add to this matter, I have been there one week and they still haven't applied for my Z visa. I have my passport with me and they said they may send it out next week. My tourist visa runs out at the end of May and I can only renew one more time before going back to Canada. Now I am the only native speaking teacher there and they have added a high school class to my schedule and once again with no texts or cirriculum and my first class is Wednesday. I have signed a contract but they do not have my passport nor have they applied for a Z visa yet. I am thinking of doing a "midnight run" and staying in a hostel until I find another job. I'm not trying to put off my responsibilities but I feel very uncomfortable with this organization. To top it all off, they now introduced a fine structure if teachers are late for class and if teachers do not answer their telephones in their days off if the center calls. Is this normal? I feel really disheartened and am fearful of now applying to any other school. Sorry for the rant but I can't seem to shake this feeling.

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