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#1 Parent Turino - 2009-05-20
Re: ZHUHAI-trouble with a disorganized outfit

Private schools generally treat FTs as if they are a dime a dozen; that is, along with being easy to scam, they're also easy to find. Unfortunately, they're right.

Apart from what you've said above,I fully agree with what you have written.
As you well know,China is a country of many small cities.Teaching in one of them gives you much more job security and freedom in the classroom,simply because it's impossible for employers there to replace you timeously by seeking other FT's locally to teach your students by taking jobs on the side.So,even if you're not so popular for whatever reason(s),you'll be treated well;as the old adage goes - better to be a big fish in a small pond than a small fish in a big one.
But of course,in many of the less-developed places,foreign foods are either unavailable,or massively overpriced if they indeed are.Plus the night life there is probably much inferior to that of big may find it hard to meet more than one or two other louwai,simply because there aren't any to be found locally.But that's not necessarily a bad thing!
I've taught at two private schools and four public schools in county seats,as well as private and public ones in big cities.Give me the small city everytime - your Chinese colleagues will likely be less picky and arrogant than their big city counterparts.And your students will probably behave well and be more inclined to study.

#2 Parent CCH - 2009-05-20
Re: ZHUHAI-trouble with a disorganized outfit

Being a person who always process the visa's business,I don't suggest you to leave secretly.I know how long it will take to get your visa's documents done.Sometimes it takes short time,sometimes it takes long time.It all depends on the government.ALL the documents have to go through the two departments of the government.Short time could be done in one week,but if the officer go to do business to other province,your documents possible will stay in their office for a few weeks,so if you wait for a month,it is very normal.
But if you don't like the children's classes,no matter how good they said,you should not take it,if you have already taken the offer,then you should talk to them very frankly that you are not capable of teaching the children courses.And you prefer to end the contract.The contract is made for both parties,you have right to ask to finish the contract if you have good reason.
Leaving secretly is not a good and professional way to solve the problem,it may cause lots of problem such as no school will and could hire you.
That is my suggestion.

#3 Parent eflfree - 2009-05-20
Re: ZHUHAI-trouble with a disorganized outfit

It's important for you to realize that if you are still in possession of your passport, it is probable that they have no intention of applying for your Z visa and plan on stringing you along as long as possible. In addition, it's doubtful that they are even a licensed school, so, if I were you, I wouldn't expect them to be applying for your work visa any time soon. This means: 1. You're working illegally. 2. You can probably leave without consequence because they've illegally hired you in the first place.

So, my advice is to take advantage of the fact that you have a place to stay when you move out of the apartment they've provided for you. Do not expect them to pay you what you're owed. Sever the relationship as quickly and cleanly as possible, but don't make any waves that could create a backlash for which you may not prepared. I assume you've still got plenty of time left on your tourist visa, so while you're staying with your friend search for a new job completely outside of Zhuhai. Don't accept employment from a private school unless you are absolutely sure they are licensed, and even then you must be very wary. Private schools generally treat FTs as if they are a dime a dozen; that is, along with being easy to scam, they're also easy to find. Unfortunately, they're right.

WJP - 2009-05-20
ZHUHAI-trouble with a disorganized outfit

I need some help on this one. I am new to teaching in China and think I have made a mistake. I applied for numerous jobs and while waiting for replies one center in particular gave me an offer to teach some kindergarten classes and such. I originally did not want the job and only after their consistent prodding did I finally agree. They sent me a contract which I signed over a week ago and took photocopies of my passport and med check. Just this past Saturday I was advised they still have not sent my Z visa application to the government and I still have my passport in hand. Not only that but I spoke to others in the industry and found that just before I was hired, they lost practically all of their foreign teachers. As of this week, I am the only one there. Before I started I specifically mentioned on numerous occassions I do not have experience teaching preschool and kindergarten but they shoved me into my first class with absolutely no training whatsoever. I felt humiliated during their supposed english corner when they asked me to skip rope with little girls in the park. I don't mind interacting with the kids but as a man, I felt this to be degrading while they wanted to videotape the whole thing. I refused to do so and think it upset them. I've only been their over a week and would like any suggestions as to how I can leave asap. They have provided me with an apartment but I can leave it. I have a friend that can help me with a place to stay while I arrange to go to another school which is of good reputation. Please, any advice will be greatly appreciated.

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