Return to Index › Dream Education Training Center, Dongguan
#1 Parent hohum - 2009-05-24
Frey: I have your stuff at my place and Dream wants to pay you

hi frey I have your stuff at my place. dream is doing what they can to rectify this situation like I said. they want to pay you but you need to reply to them anyway this looks like it is going to be resolved without anyone else getting sweep into a mess. Some people have given bad advice and do not consider that others are unfortunately caught up in this thing so please consider others and how things will affect them before you tell people what you think they should do

#2 Parent hoohum - 2009-05-22
Frey: Get back to me about your stuff that Dream Education told me they want to give back to you

didn't want to get into this. frey screwed up. we told him to cool his jets and another teacher told him to calm down when he went ballistic. he was out of control. I am not on anyones side I just want to do my job. the chinese teachers should have been sacked I do not know what happened to them when frey went ballistic the second time screaming at other teachers in the same office for telling a foreign teacher to tell him to stop using other teachers computer it sealed his fate. the teachers were scared of him especially when the foreign teacher could not calm him down. the felt it was a dangerous situation for the teachers and the school. I know frey just blew a gasket and it was all letting off steam but the chinese don't get this sort of thing and they were afraid that frey was going to do physical harm to someone. he had a few blow outs before this episode. I wish it didn't happen but it did and there is nothing we can do to take it back. escalating it is not going improve anything only get innocent people into trouble. it is all good and well to have these ideals but this is reality and this is also China even though I hate to use that phrase but it is. loosing face big time like that was a big mistake and not professional etc. I wish frey all the best in the world and I know what he wants to do and I hope he can fulfill his dream no pun intended. but bringing others into this thing is only going to make it harder on him. Dream considered pursuing the issue with the police and blackballing frey but I talked them out of it. He is not in jail and has not been deported so he really needs to be happy with that for one. dream should give his stuff back and they have told me that they are trying to do so but frey does not answer his phone. I offered to have his stuff given to me and I would give it to him. Frey did not get back to me on that yet. It would be best of them met at a neutral place. teachers at the school told me that the chinese teachers did get into trouble and frey was saved from being deported and charged etc. the fact is dream did save his butt in a big way. so it is in freys best interest to settle this without anymore involvement of others. This losing of the job etc was not dreams fault and to blame them for it is unfair to say the least. I am not on their side neither am I on freys side although I do consider frey to be a friend. I would hope that my friend would not get me or my family into a situation over this thing. Frey will know who I am and he will know that I am just presenting the truth to those on this forum. he had other concerns that we both know about that increased his stress and may have lead to this blow out but it does not excuse it. if you would like further detail turnio email me frey you know how to get in touch with me. I told you to tell the whole story now I have and I hope that everything will finally come to an end and we can put this whole thing behind us once and for all. have a nice day sorry for any typos and grammar punctuation I am tired

#3 Parent Turino - 2009-05-21
Re: Dream Education Training Center, Dongguan

Yes,the local media will be very interested in your plight,but once things have reached that point,you'll have to face the music (the police).
I hope you gave your scallywag employers an ultimatum to conclude your matter.If you haven't done so yet,please do so in the near future for your own sake.You needn't let them piss you around forever.
If they're too dumb to appreciate your words have substance,bring them down along with any other louwai who have or arec working there illegally.
'One world one dream' will become 'the dream has been shattered'.Personally,I'd have never allowed this to drag on for so long.But I'm not you!
I reckon you'll know to watch your back!

#4 Parent Frey - 2009-05-20
Dream Education Training Center, Dongguan

Dream Education Traning Center - Action
As I have still not received my salary or personal belongings from Dream Education Traning Center I have sent an email to them offering them one more chance to pay my salary or else I will report them and the middle school to the police and Bureau of Foreign Experts where I will show them my contract and continue to post on this forum and any others and stop them from advertising jobs on this and other websites.
I would be interested to hear more about the possibility of reporting this to the newspapers and television and seeing if they would be interested in this matter.
I dont wish to cause them anymore problems but do I wish to be paid for the work that I have done and if they do this then I will not report them to the police and Bureau of Foreign Experts and I will amend my posts on this board.
Though there are still teachers working for the school that I been in contact with, I feel that it is more important to me to see that justice is done to rather than to avoid trouble myself or for fellow teachers as I believe we must all face up to our responsibilities and actions.

I hope fellow posters will support me in this action.


#5 Parent hohum - 2009-05-11
Re: Dream Education Training Center, Dongguan - They kept my belongings, won't pay, threaten me, wan

Hi Rabble
this is the friendly foreigner that you met the other day. I am putting my email address here so you can contact me I know you wanted to discuss things in more detail. Hope to hear from you soon

#6 Parent Frey - 2009-05-09
Re: Dream Education Training Center, Dongguan

Update on the situation.
Since the locks were changed at the apartment they supplied for me and I lost most of my belongings, I've been keeping my head down and with limited funds I'll have to do something soon or leave China.
In reality I don't have enough money for a flight home so I'm still hoping that the school will pay me.
I was threatened by 2 phones calls and sms messages and told not to contact them again.

Contacts for Dream Education TC are Violet Wu, Josh and James.

I was working for a middle school through the TC.

What happened was on the last day before the May holiday, I had planned to go to Guangzhou for a few days after school.
At the school after being locked out of the teacher's office, I went into another teacher's office, found a vacant desk with computer, asked the neighbouring teacher if I could use it, she said yes so I did for 40 minutes until the teacher came back. Then I said ok that I would just save my work and get off it. He went away then came back with another teacher then they both shouted at me that I should not use the computer that it was just what a foreigner would do. Being shouted at and insulted by 2 Chinese teachers I shouted back, then a crowd of teachers gathered. Then I left and went down to the rest room as it was almost time for lunch and lessons had finished. I thought nothing more of it until I was called by Ms Wu and ordered to meet her. A meeting she did not show up. After a threatening phone call by Josh telling me that I must not go back to my apartment or I would be in trouble I decided to go to Guangzhou as planned.
On the Monday I returned to find the locks had been changed and that was when I received more threatening phone calls and sms.

I hope that they read this and will pay me what I am due as I feel I must do something more about this.

#7 Parent Turino - 2009-05-07
Re: Dream Education Training Center, Dongguan - They kept my belongings, won't pay, threaten me, wan

Dongguan must be a special Chinese city as it brings out the best and also the worst in foreigners.You're a lucky louwai to meet a 'very friendly foreigner' for the first time by chance on the street.It's been my experience in China that louwai who are strangers out for a walk in public tend to ignore one another.And the conversation that transpired has given me the impression that what Frey has posted might be nothing more than a storm in a teacup.I reckon it's high time Frey posted again in this thread to update us re his present situation.If he refrains from doing so,I for one will presume that what he had posted was a figment of his imagination.Frey,you owe us a reply!

#8 Parent rabble - 2009-05-07
Re: Dream Education Training Center, Dongguan - They kept my belongings, won't pay, threaten me, wan

I was walking down the street today in Dongguan and this very friendly foreigner said hullo, we talked briefly and I asked where and who he was working for. He told me, Dream training centre and that he was contracted out to a middle school, which I had worked for. He related an interesting story about one of the teachers throwing a hissy over a computer, much the same story that another poster related.
As I said, I only talked to this man briefly and went home and looked up Dream training centre and came up with this forum.
I worked at that middle school for nearly 5 years contracted through a training centre, the same as probably Dream are doing. We lost the contract because the school wanted cheaper teachers in the sense they don't have to pay too much for the teachers. It looks like they have found a cheaper training centre to provide cheaper teachers. No reflection on the teachers ability but a cost cutting exercise for one of the richest private schools in Dongguan.
So you make up your minds.
What we often read on the internet is quite one-sided. To be honest I threw a few hissy fits at that school as well. (the school I was contracted out to, not the training centre). I was given a good report by both the teachers and the students, go figure.
I am only talking about one aspect, I have no idea how the training centre treat him.
Hard to keep things in perspective, especially on the internet

#9 Parent Turino - 2009-05-04
Re: Dream Education Training Center, Dongguan - They kept my belongings, won't pay, threaten me, wan

Do you know if there are any other FT's who have been teaching there illegally at first on L visas,even just for a day?I'd be willing to bet that there are.Looks like you're in a corner.It would be good to dump the TC deeper in the mire by reporting the other FT's who've been teaching on L's at one time or another too when you turn yourself in.I reckon that'll deflect the attention of the police from you to some extent.As for that racist TC,it'll be fined an arm and a leg,and forced to close down,the owners likely to be jailed too.Forget telling your country's embassy.They can't and will not help you.But can you amass sufficient funds to pay a 5000 Yuan fine to keep you out of jail,and buy an air ticket to exit the country,quickly enough before you've exhausted your visa rights?Looks to me you're in a jam.But you can spread the blame if they won't co-operate.Obviously time is of the essence.You'll be able to get a 10-day extension by applying for a new L just before your present one runs out.Be careful not to overstay your visa,the fine would be 500 a day up to a maximum of 5000 when the PSB catches up with you,and you'll also have to have the necessary funds to exit the country!

#10 Parent Roberta - 2009-05-04
Re: Dream Education Training Center, Dongguan

A Western university degree is generally accepted as a guarantee of aptitude and ability. A native speaker of English holding such a degree is usually intelligent and literate. So that kind of person oftentimes possesses the prerequisites in terms of innovative qualities and language skills necessary to become an excellent teacher quickly if he (or she) works at it. By contrast, many of those who are less well-educated may not be able to do so ever, if indeed at all!

#11 Parent Frey - 2009-05-04
Dream Education Training Center, Dongguan - They kept my belongings, won't pay, threaten me, want me to remove this post

I was told by the training center that I would be paid if I removed my review from this site. After trying to contact the training center for several days I am told this is no longer the case unless I want to be deported.

At the apartment that the training center supplied the locks have been changed and so I cannot retrive any of my belongings. I literally have only the clothes on my back. After calling the training center about returning my belongings I was told again to not contact them again or they will tell the police.

They have since stopped answering my calls or hanging up immediately when they realise it is me.

On top of that, today I received another threatening telephone call telling me to leave china and to remove this review.

I also received an anonymous threatening sms message from a number I don't recognise.

How can I edit my original post to include this?

#12 Parent Roberta - 2009-05-03
Re: Dream Education Training Center, Dongguan

Basically, we are looking for teachers who love children. No homework, no grading, no grammar rules, and no testing. Just real language acquisition. Outgoing and hard-working teachers who love teaching English are required. Using music, props, and games, our teachers teach English to children exactly at the stage of their development when their minds are highly receptive to learning language. Our classes are small - no more than 8 students in each class so that Chinese kiddies can experience the joy of learning English. All of our teachers must be native speakers with a neutral accent. We expect applicants to have a 4-year degree from a Western university. As we train all of our teachers, no teaching certification at all is required. Since music is an essential part of our teaching method, applicants must be comfortable singing a cappella in front of children and parents.

The above are the important details of a job advertisement placed by a good training center for qualified foreign teachers. Does your post suggest you are one of them? Why should we believe what you say about this training center? I'm sure most of the complaints on this board against training centers in China come from unqualified foreign teachers who are also unsuitable as professional teachers. By the way, I have no connection with this training center, and nobody has asked me to defend it. I'm no more than an ordinary qualified foreign teacher who loves teaching little ones in China,and realizes that China needs many more qualified foreign teachers of English, so don't label me as a shill!
#13 Parent angel - 2009-05-03
Re: Dream Education Training Center, Dongguan

Dream Education? Do not ever try to work in this Training School,Violet seems to be very kind but in fact NOT!UNJUST EMPLOYER!!!I have been in this School and this is not the school were everybody's dream....don't try or else you will regret!!

Frey - 2009-04-30
Dream Education Training Center, Dongguan

I was working for Dream Education Training Center and they would not pay me after working for 6 weeks.
When I disagreed they told me to leave without pay or else they would call the police and tell them I was working illegally and have me deported.
They refused to get a working visa.
The middle school I was working at was very happy with my work and I was regularly told this by both the staff and students.
Contacts are Violet, Josh and James.
Violet and James are Chinese.
Josh is an African man who tells you what you want to hear but it is lies regarding visas, working hours etc.

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