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#1 Parent Prof.Dr.David Ngin Sian Pau - 2009-05-31
Re: What does it mean to have a job in China?

You are right Dr.Turnoi. I couldn't agree more! By the way, do you teach English in China? Considering your Ph.D. and Th.D. degrees, I don't know the reason why you teach English at a university. Th.D. is a theological degree and acronymn for Doctor of Theology, if I'm not mistaken. I don't know whether you specialized in teaching English or English literature for your PhD. Looking into the world's job market, my sentiment, without being forced by anyone tells me that I should not apply for any jobs in the field of theology and others because it's a religious thing and I did my MA and PhD in teaching English. I feel that I might violate my interest, my MA and PhD degrees and my dignity in the field of teaching English as well as many other people's job opportunities, if I did the same. Because of this common sense, I always apply for a teaching English job for the past five years because of my major and specialization, which I deserve the right to do and be employed for. And I believe my heuristic education is valid everywhere in this universe to seek jobs colligated to my specialized research or study. Otherwise people of other specializations may get mad at me.

What I am trying to say here is, you, having a highest theological degree, should get into a religious institute unless your ThD is just a name sake degree. My father was reverended in a baptist church so I give a lot of respect to people who earn ThD degrees. If you could apply your theological education in a Christian community, a seminary or at a christian institute, it would be genuinely challenging. And your earning will also be better everywhere in the world according to the local living standard even in the least developed countries. I know your English is the same as a native English speaker or better than native English speakers and you are qualified to teach but having a very good English speaking skill should not lead you to an English teacher or professor of English. Otherwise people might think your ThD is a fake one.

If every educated person in the world had practiced educational rights he or she deserves not only in doing research but also in seeking jobs in the world's job market, people would lawfully get the type jobs they look for in every field.

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