Return to Index › Re: Hall of Shame - BRAVO!
#1 Parent Gingermeggs - 2009-06-05
Re: Hall of Shame - BRAVO!

1. The Silverboy has been respected well both by students and his employer. At his former uni he was given a teachers award.

We don't know this for a fact. We only have a statement from the Man himself. Too many posts here are instantly taken as gospel, even unsubstantiated statements. Look at how many threads start with..." Don't teach at Blahblahblah School because....." The poster is seen as a poor, hard-done-by teacher and Silverboy and Turnoi immediately start bashing that school on the basis of one post.
You present your somewhat vague interpretations as "facts". Nothing of that what you said is true:

But that is exactly what Silverboy and Turnoi do.
Let's be a bit more objective about these "Bad School" posts, and dig for more information before attacking.
I'm sure Silverboy has very little first-hand experience with any of the Schools on his Shame list, but he presents "vague interpretations" as facts.
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