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#1 Parent Turino - 2009-06-14
Re: Hall of Shame - BRAVO!

Of course it's common sense, but when we get Turino boasting about how brave he is, smoking wherever he wants to, Silverboy complaining about morning classes, and insulting his T/As, perhaps it's time for a little reminder.

I can only speak for myself,not for Silverboy.
I didn't go into enough detail because I thought you had the common sense to realize that my foreign colleagues and I were given permission to smoke in an office between classes.
In fact,that privilege had been granted before I arrived on the scene there.
But because there were so many louwai teaching there on L's,who presumably had taken a risk coming to China on L's because they couldn't get job offers from China while in their homelands,they felt very insecure in the knowledge that time on their L's was running out,and the TC would ditch the least effective teachers among them,making an excuse that they couldn't get F's or Z's for them!
So,they refrained from smoking in that office.But I didn't,and I needn't have.I already had a job elsewhere,and there was no problem with my visa running out.No need for me to care whether I would be weeded out there later for whatever reason!
Got it?End of discussion re smoking!

#2 Parent Gingermeggs - 2009-06-13
Re: Hall of Shame - BRAVO!

What your alluded to is just plain common sense, and now doubt the OP felt no need to point this out, as that was not the subject at hand. You seem very negative and prone to try and one up people no matter the post. Shame on you for that.

Of course it's common sense, but when we get Turino boasting about how brave he is, smoking wherever he wants to, Silverboy complaining about morning classes, and insulting his T/As, perhaps it's time for a little reminder.
Respect is the subject at hand, and I have seen more than my share of badly dressed, unshaven teachers. I have been to dinners, hosted by local City Governments, at 5 star hotels, and have been appalled by the number of Foreign Teachers who turn up, dressed in grubby Tee-shirts and jeans. That shows lack of respect. So, if you don't respect others, how can you gain respect for yourself?
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