Return to Index › Re: Why Silverboy can't be trusted to provide a balanced argument
#1 Parent Jerome - 2009-06-14
Re: Why Silverboy can't be trusted to provide a balanced argument

First, I'd like an explanation that clearly illustrates how I am being "apologetic." Basically, I'm trying to view the problems associated with EFL in China through a broader lens than that which simply focuses on the Chinese side. This forum could easily be filled to the brim with horror stories about private training schools, public schools, universities, international schools etc., and, believe me, I could add some woeful tales of my own that would add color to the mix; however, by doing so, we're only stating the obvious. What seems less obvious to most contributors to this forum is that there are many, countless I might say, FTs who exacerbate the problem.

I don't particularly want to focus on FTs, though. I think I've made that clear. I merely want it recognized, or perhaps admitted by some of you, that if we were to focus on FTs, we could spend just as much time writing posts about that side of the issue as is spent on writing about the Chinese side of the issue. That is, I'm sure that anyone who has taught in China for any length of time has encountered colleagues who should never have been given the responsibilities associated not just with language training but also with influencing young minds.

"An ESL market and industry that would work well with the essential amount of business ethics would not tolerate either of them and would not see it happen. That`s it, very simple."

I agree with that, aside from the fact that there is no such thing as ESL in China. But, again, you're trying to take the focus off of the teachers and put it right back where you and your forum friends think it belongs; that is, on the Chinese side. What is it that prevents you from seeing the whole picture? Could it be that you're far more patient than I when it comes to FTs who show absolutely no commitment to excellence? Well, no need to answer that. Consider it a rhetorical question because I think the answer is obvious: For you and others here it is more about gaining the acceptance of your fellow FTs than it is about demonstrating a kind of insight that reveals an ability to view the problem as a whole, rather than breaking it down into parts, so that through scorn and ridicule you can show your displeasure about aspects of the system that are widely and commonly known to be in need of serious change. It's a mutual whine that is growing more and more tiresome.

Cheese and crackers with that whine would make it more

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