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#1 Parent Jerome - 2009-06-21
Re: We need more blog posters like Jerome, who is insightful and reasoned.

Oh, forgot to tell you, it wasn't emeralds it was rubies. Guess you're not my mom after all. And, by the way, how old did you say you were? Oh that's right, you didn't. I'd guess 14 or 15, 16 tops. There are forums for teenies, you know. I think you'd find more commonality at one of those. Have fun.

#2 Parent Jerome - 2009-06-21
Re: We need more blog posters like Jerome, who is insightful and reasoned.

That's pretty cute. Juvenile and sophomoric, but cute.

#3 Parent Jerome's Mom - 2009-06-21
Re: We need more blog posters like Jerome, who is insightful and reasoned.

I just can't tell you how much I appreciate this show of support for my boy Jerome- although we call him "Kevin". He's just the cutest little dickens! And he just knows everything about everything; you shouldn't hesitate to believe anything he tells you. All those dark whispers about his "strange attractions"...well, those are just made out of jealousy by uncouth clods who could never approach my son's levels of superiority.

I'll probably embarrass him by telling you this, but you should know. I changed a lot of Kev...uh, Jerome's diapers, let me tell you. But when he filled his Pampers, instead of the mess of stinky poos you'd normally expect to find, his diaper would be full of beautiful green emeralds, all cut and polished and ready to mount! And he still does that to this day!

I just hope this helps you all understand how truly blessed we really are!

Keep warm now,
Jerome's Mom

#4 Parent Jerome - 2009-06-14
Re: We need more blog posters like Jerome, who is insightful and reasoned.

I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.

Sorry, couldn't resist. Thanks for your support. Interesting that there are those, such as Turnoi, who simply can't accept that more than one person could hold opinions that run counter to his own. Ah well, such as life...................

Progress and Professionalism - 2009-06-13
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