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#1 Parent Raoul Duke - 2009-06-16
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School

Well, there are many "boards" out there. Some are better than others, actually.

It's quite possible that if these people had come to the right boards in the first place, they would have never signed those contracts...

Or, maybe you're right...maybe it's smarter to just sign the contract, without making any attempt at getting any information first. Sure.

Or, maybe you're just out to trash any source of information that doesn't fit your personal agenda, and are basically just full of... it. You certainly seem to know a lot about the "garbage", for someone who doesn't bother actually reading it.

On a related note, somebody having lots of valid data and really knowing what they're talking about doesn't make them a "know-it-all", even when it happens to be inconvenient for you. They are, in fact, different concepts. You should look into it sometime.

Habitum Website, Ergo Sum

#2 Parent Turino - 2009-06-15
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School

My reply doesn't seem to have been processed too well by the board.Please click on the link below to view it if you haven't already read it:

#3 Parent Turino - 2009-06-15
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School

My starting point re a job offer is to view the contract.I expect it to be along the lines of the standard state contract that is issued by educational establishments to their FT's.And in almost every case it is so.But if a contract offered by a particular potential employer differs greatly from the standard one in its terms and conditions by reducing the budding FT's rights,so making it easier for him (or her) to be fired,and/or removes the right of arbitration,I lose interest at once.
Where I come from,teachers do not negotiate contracts with their employers.As a teacher seeking a post,you sign it or you don't.Simple as that.Sitting down negotiating with an employer is unheard-of,and actually would bore me to death.
Fortunately,there are plenty of schools,colleges and universities in China that offer me fair contracts in the first instance.I've taught at more than a few educational establishments in China and they are much as much.Of course,there are sometimes problems between my employer and me - however,I'm capable of resolving them by sticking up for myself.So I think it's unnecessary for me to visit there first.When I compare teaching here in China with teaching in my homeland,the former is miles better.

#4 Parent teacher@sfls - 2009-06-15
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School

I never said that all the posts were garbage. I said that there was 'garbage' coming from know-it-alls. Go back and re-read my post.
I really do think that you should type more though. You're probably the funniest poster I've read in these threads.

#5 Parent teacher@sfls - 2009-06-15
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School

I really can't even tell if you're serious.
If you're in the country then you visit the school and speak to the administration, staff and students. If you can actually meet, in person, a former employee, then all the better.
If you're outside of the country then you ask to speak to current teachers on the phone. Pick some names randomly from a list of teachers. They still might have an agenda but at least you can hear a voice.
In the end you're trusting yourself after you've made a more informed decision.

#6 Parent Turino - 2009-06-15
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School

Most of the teachers here have no idea about this whole episode. Those that I've spoken to have just laughed and said that they never came to such boards before signing contracts. They say that such boards can't be trusted and it would appear that they are right.
I normally wouldn't be bothering with such things myself, it's just reading all the garbage from know-it-alls has forced me to reply.

Sorry to learn that you have a low opinion of this board.No matter,I guess reading the board is not everyone's cup o' tea.
Pray tell,who or what in your obviously non-humble opinion can be trusted,if anyone or anything,respectively?I'm dying to know,as are indeed some other readers of your post that I've taken the liberty to qoute in its entirety for the sake of this thread's continuity.

#7 Parent teacher@sfls - 2009-06-15
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School

Most of the teachers here have no idea about this whole episode. Those that I've spoken to have just laughed and said that they never came to such boards before signing contracts. They say that such boards can't be trusted and it would appear that they are right.

I normally wouldn't be bothering with such things myself, it's just reading all the garbage from know-it-alls has forced me to reply.

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