Return to Index › Re: Stop Complaining
#1 Parent Watching - 2009-06-15
Re: Stop Complaining

Will the Chinese ever learn?

They have a chance, as every so often a savior arrives to spread words of wisdom. The problem lies in the fact that the savior doesnt understand them, and even though they stand awe struck, listening, looking on with questioning eyes, they don't understand the savior. There is no common ground, no common bond; the only thing they hear is wah wah, WAH WAH, WAAAAAAAH!

Where have all the complainers gone?
Long time passing.
Where have all the complainers gone?
Long time ago.

Gone to ESL to post a post a post
Looking here, youll will find the most
Where have all the complainers gone?
Not so long ago.

Gone to tell the world whats wrong
How to fix it, it wont take long
Where have all the complainers gone?
Not so long ago.

When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?

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