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#1 Parent Jerome - 2009-06-21
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School

It's actually getting quite hilarious. Now I'm almost convinced that you guys really think Kevin and I are the same person, and our writing is so much the same that no other conclusion can be reached. It reminds me of someone who is absolutely convinced that a famous artwork is the original when, in fact, it's a forgery. Basically, his greed prevents him from making a determination based on real rather than perceived evidence. You'd think that he would hire a professional. No, that would bruise his ego. He's an expert himself, after all. How about you guys? Are you experts trained to determine whether or not one person's writing is the same as another's?

I've seen a lot of women in the world carrying a "Gucci" handbag. Nope, made in China. But don't expect them to believe that; after all, they paid hundreds if not thousands of dollars for the stupid thing. Calling it a Gucci doesn't make it a Gucci.

So let's compare all this to Kevin and Jerome. Kevin's writing, shall we say, is the original. Now, since Jerome's writing is so similar in style to Kevin's, only one conclusion can be reached: They are one and the same person. Excuse me while I laugh uproariously. Okay, I can't go on; it's way too funny. But would someone please set these guys straight? Surely some of you are laughing with me and may be able to explain the subtle differences in our writing better than I can. Well, actually, I just don't have the energy to bother. Nor, apparently, does Kevin.

Come on you guys; your perception is skewed by your need to be right. But you're wrong. Laughingly wrong.

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