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#1 Parent turino - 2009-06-22
Re: The School, Kevin, Bipolar and Other Issues

Re: Frey: Get back to me about your stuff that Dream Education told me they want to give back to By:Penelope
Date: 23 May 2009 In Response To: Re: Frey: Get back to me about your stuff that Dream Education told me they want to give back to you (hohum):

Penelope's words:

Turnoi is one of those academic elitists living in an ivory tower. In specific real-life situations, his advice should be taken with a large pinch of salt as it tends neither to be practical nor useful. So, ignore what he says.

I reckon Penelope's judgment was wrong re Turnoi.But were Turnoi to be replaced by Jerome in the above quote,I couldn't agree more with the amended version.

#2 Parent Jerome - 2009-06-21
Re: The School, Kevin, Bipolar and Other Issues

Since you are so quick to jump to the defense of SB, it is obvious you approve of his calling people grovelling weasels, corporate lackeys and etc. Apparently then, you also accept his description of Chinese TAs as only fit for work as prostitutes. It would seem that you have selective likes and dislikes based on your relationship with whomever does the name calling. I would say that my characterizing SB as "the toddler" is far less intense than the name calling he is known for. And believe me, I don't feel threatened in the slightest - I know my position and I'll stand by it regardless of the fact that you and your cohorts can't seem to grasp it or would rather pretend that you cannot. Nor do I give a rat's ass about finding popularity amongst the likes of you, SB, Turnoi or Turino, or anybody else for that matter. I reserve the right to express my opinions as I see fit to express them. In this particular instance, my opinion is that you guys would rather tout the popular belief rather than the logical one, which is that training centers, though they should be held accountable for their despicable actions are not the only ones who should be held accountable. If you knowingly work for a scam artist and help them perpetuate their scam, you too are a scam artist - pure and simple. Wake up and smell the coffee and stop pretending to not grasp my meaning. And stop trying to turn this discussion into something it's not. Yes, I can give tit for tat, but sooner or later, you'll be happy to know, I'll grow tired of this association with you and your antagonistic cohorts and I'll back off for awhile. Until that time, however, expect me to call it like I see it, and if you treat me like s*** just because my opinion differs from yours, I'll throw it right back atcha.

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