#1 Parent yumingjiaoyu - 2009-07-21

The Notice Of Yuming Education Center
Recently, the individual people who owned personal purpose to spread malicious posts to damage the reputation of Yuming education center on the internet, these posts are not tally with the fact and caused serious economic losses. We have already hold a throughing investigate this event. And the causes of the serious consequences, We will be in accordance with the judicial proceedings to prosecute, investigation of his criminal responsibility and civil compensation.
Yuming eudcation center legal team and the whole member of Yuming..

#2 Parent Turino - 2009-06-23

The only good thing about you experience is that, just lately China is seeing a lot more westerners coming to China to teach, because of the financial crisis. When so many foreigner go back home with such a sorry tale, hopefully this will force China to change working practices for overseas teachers. What is needed is a very big Top-Down change, not anybody seeking to change one school or agency at a time.

Agreed,and that's why China has so many FT's who are inept teachers.Chinese employers cannot pick and choose because many good FT's don't apply for jobs here!
As for what you say re contracts,I'd say that when joint ventures are set up,the Chinese partners are forced to tow the line by their foreign partners.Personally,I'm not prepared to put up with major breaches of contract either.I'll stick my neck out,take my dishonest employers on,get what I want,and then have to move on,after being deemed a troublemaker.That's ok,China is vast,and I want to see many parts of it.Having a Chinese wife is great insurance too - it gives me additional visa options to stay here between jobs.No,I'll not put up with being duped here.That would affect my own happiness,which comes first.I don't care about fitting in in a dishonest and class-conscious society.Neither do I care about my popularity.I'm a bit of a loner anyway!
As you say,the whole education system here is in need of overhaul,and that can only come from the top.When,if ever,that'll happen,I haven't a clue!

#3 Parent May - 2009-06-23

Thank you for your breathtaking account, which I read with interest.

I have lived and worked in China for over 8 years and what you have experienced offers no surprises. The one thing you have pointed out is that Chinese society in not Western society. There are glaring differences.

One thing that is hard for new western teachers to accept here in China is that China is not a contract society; China is a relationship society. It doesnt matter how hard an institution tries to present a contract, most contracts, certainly when it comes to teaching, are not worth the paper they are written on; and this is hard to bear for a new teacher from the west. Before long, a new teacher will be stabbing the contract with their finger. In terms of adhering to the written word, contracts offer a state of lawlessness.

You can see this in you explanation of how students / children are expected to assess their teacher. This method is based on your relationship with them, not on your teaching ability.

In actual fact, if you are faced with a class that just wont behave and the teaching assistant offers no practical help, then simply sit down, enjoy a coffee or a Coke and let mayhem reign; when it comes to exams give all you students a high mark and bear no grudges and you will be a successful teachers in terms of how the Chinese teaching system perceives you. Remember, theres no point flogging a dead house, except for the sheer pleasure.

The only good thing about you experience is that, just lately China is seeing a lot more westerners coming to China to teach, because of the financial crisis. When so many foreigner go back home with such a sorry tale, hopefully this will force China to change working practices for overseas teachers. What is needed is a very big Top-Down change, not anybody seeking to change one school or agency at a time.


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