Return to Index › Linfen IELTS School, Linfen, Shanxi
#1 Parent Jesper - 2009-07-28
Re: Linfen IELTS School, Linfen, Shanxi

I'm currently in Linfen and by accident saw this post and thought i had to reply. I can tell you that in Linfen center the polution is not as bad as it looks on the pictures, yes there is polution, but i don't think its that bad, just wanted to say :)

#2 Parent Ex-TC teacher - 2009-06-24
Re: Linfen IELTS School, Linfen, Shanxi

Please do not go near LinFen in Shanxi, It was named as the most poluted city in the world. Just looking at the photographic evidence for this will make one feel ill.

Primulus - 2009-06-24
Linfen IELTS School, Linfen, Shanxi

Hi, fellow board readers:

Does anyone have any information regarding working for that foriegn teacher recruiter? Feedback of any kind would be much apreciated.

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