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#1 Parent CIAndy - 2012-04-01
Re: Arizona School Of English in Los Mochis, Sinaloa, Mexico

In February of this year (2012) American citizen Yvonne Saucedo was murdered. She lived in Los Mochis, Sinaloa, and worked for Arizona School of English as a teacher. In January she was kidnapped along with her mother. Investigations are ongoing but as to now the true reason of why she was kidnapped and subsequently murdered with her mother is still unknown.

Kidnapping, extortion and violent crime have become commonplace in Sinaloa since the war on drugs. Over 50,000 people have been murdered in Mexico since 2006 and many cities in the state are no longer safe, which includes the tourist resort of Mazatlan. Please check out the most recent advice given on the State Department website:-


#2 Parent Irene - 2009-06-24
Re: Arizona School Of English / Los Mochis

OK I saw this thread and felt that I had to jump to their defense. I worked at this school for a year and can honestly say that I never had a problem. The students overall were great, the administration staff were very helpful and I never had a problem with the director or anyone else. Sure, the pay could be better but that could be said for any job. I think it's reasonable for Mexico. Not the best but definately not the worst. Granted I was a little disappointed to find out that there was no holiday pay or end of contract bonus but then that was my fault for assuming and not asking. I would have to say I had a very wonderful and memorable experience at Arizona School of English. As for Los Mochis, well for us foreigners it can be a tad boring but then it's what you make it. I have made some extremely wonderful friends here and they all have a special place in my heart. The summer here is extremely hot but the classrooms and the offices are airconditioned as are most of the places you live. It can become uncomfortable at times but so does summer everywhere. I would highly recommend this school to anyone considering working there, focus on the positives and not the negatives. Everywhere has it's own problems, it's how you handle it that makes the experience.

#3 Parent Maurice - 2009-06-03
Re: Arizona School Of English / Los Mochis


I have worked in many schools in Mexico. I worked in Morelia for 26 months and I worked in the Arizona school of English in Los Mochis for a little longer. The comments made are not without some merit. The owner of the school has paid his dues by setting up the facility so many years ago. There is only so much time that one can teach before considering other careers which is what he has done. In his favour he is very open as to what is on offer at the school. He pays a bit higher than in others schools that I have worked in but there again, does not provide vacation money and as was rightly pointed out, it is expensive to live comfortably in Los Mochis. But as to the turnover of the school well that is for him and school to reap the benefits of.

Most teachers come for short periods and they come for different reasons. Some are good and some are English native speakers who teach. The school is well established so there is no question of not being paid or being paid late, as was my experience when living in Mexico.
As who is the director now, I have a fair idea and if it is who I think it is, then I would put the problem down to the director not being a teacher. The director's job is to keep the business running for without which, no one will get paid.

I worked quite well there and overall I would recommend the school and Los Mochis to anyone who interested in travelling and experiencing the Mexican culture and atmostphere.

I would recommend that you get your own permit to work in Mexico. This is called an FM3. I found from experience that if you provide this yourself you are less likely to be without work and are not at the mercy of your employer. If your employer gets the permit, and you part ways, then you have 30 days to leave the country. To avoid this, you better off getting your own permit. With your own permit you are free to work whereever you can.

I lived in Mexico for five years and have had some wonderful memories there to savour in my life.

I am very surprised with the reviews given on this thread.



#4 Parent D Gonthier - 2009-03-19
Re: Arizona School Of English / Los Mochis

I would have to agree with the above posting, I worked at Arizona School of English from September to December 2008 and had very similar feelings. The owner of the school is extremely hands-off and the director is extremely authoritarian; not only do they treat their foreign teachers miserably but they treat their local teachers even worse. In addition, the way they have set up their classrooms and student make-up in the classes results in disastrous consequences (i.e. Cramming 15 students into a class that can comfortably hold, at max, 10 students). They run their "school" as a business and not as a learning facilitator. Thus, the "school" director backs the student and not the teacher if any problems may arise in the classroom. There is a myriad of problems involved with this "school" that would take me longer than I would like to list here. If anybody has any specific concerns please feel free to ask me. On a brighter note, the people of Los Mochis are extremely friendly and accommodating but there is nothing to do with your free time in the city. I would recommend that you look for a job elsewhere in Mexico unless you are willing to live like a hermit in Death Valley like temperatures.

#5 Parent Bob THT - 2009-01-24
Re: Arizona School Of English / Los Mochis

Im curious of the rest of your experience in Los Mochis...
Did you go teach somewhere else there?
Were there other opportunities for you there?
I'd like to talk to you further about it.

Max Casula - 2009-01-04
Arizona School Of English / Los Mochis

Stay away from this school. Located in a shopping mall, a total disrespect for the English teachers hired, and they have a tremendous turnover. The Office Manager is authoritarian and not tolerant or understanding. The contract is for 9 months, with no paid vacation or holidays. Forget airfare and any other reasonable extras.In effect you are being paid for 7 months of work. The pay is above average, but living expenses are also above average. The town itself is quite boring and a mini-Tucson in character and architecture. Overall a bad experience, you have been warned.

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