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#1 Parent Lambton Teacher(Wuxi)until now??? - 2009-07-30
Re: Jiangnan University - Lambton College, Wuxi City

To all the readers,

I RAMIL BASA RABACA, admit that for 4 consecutive terms, I was been a FT of Jiangnan University-Lambton College (Wuxi),even there was something wrong happened between me and the school, it's not my business to post any bad comments to a place, people or institution whom/which I worked before. It's not my personality to destroy or malign the reputation of a friend, person or school who/which became part of me. I hope that the person who used my name inorder to maliciously destroy/malign Lambton College-Wuxi, will think a million times before using someone's name for their own sake in destroying one's reputation. Just a piece of advice to you, "if you have any grudges with the school, talk to them or email them using your own email address not that you're going to use someone's name just to hide yourself because there is only one interpretation I could give you, "YOU ARE THE GREATEST COWARD I'VE EVER KNOWN IN MY LIFE"! Knowing that you are/were a teacher of Lambton College-Wuxi. I hope you will refrain from using my name or other names to air your grudges. Be a man enough to face your problem!

#2 Parent RAMIL BASA RABACA - 2009-06-26
Jiangnan University - Lambton College, Wuxi City

I have worked at Lambton as an English teacher and I will tell you that the school people are very racist and treat the non-white teachers poorly.

As far as the students go the are simple the worst I have ever seen and I will tell any peoples who want to work there to never never go there or think about it because it is a total crap school.

The Chinese staff are stealing money from anyone they can- mainly the students - put it in there own pockets.

Everyone is cheating at Lambton including the the Canadian people who run it. All they care about is how much money they can make .

There is no support for the teachers and often the students have no books or the school will photocopy a book and give to the student.

Lambton is a scam school and I can tell you this because I have worked there for a long time.

The quality of Lambton is it is a poor low level school in Canada and comes to China and tries to tell people it is good, but it is not. So if you think about being a student there it is ok if you are rich and lazy - because the school is simply pay money and get a degree.

If you are a teacher and have any self respect for yourself then you should never consider working at Lambton in Wuxi.

#3 Parent Mike - 2009-06-25
Re: Jiangnan University - Lambton College, Wuxi City

Lambton has a bad reputation all over China and Wuxi is no exception.

Wuxi Lambton is probably the worst of the bunch - cheating students, lazy students and administrators, and just totally corruption of the school administrators towards the students.

They basically rape the students family's for money and often.

Lambton College is a place to avoid in Wuxi. There's many posts telling teachers to stay away. head that advice.

Jiangnan University in Wuxi and Lambton are place to stay away from.

Ana Nymous - 2009-06-25
Jiangnan University - Lambton College, Wuxi City

Lambton College - Wuxi, I can say that some Liaison Officers are lazy. They don't know what they're doing and when corrected they murmur. I think they need to put people who knows how to deal with papers well. Most especially, to translate Chinese documents to English since the school is an English institution and they employ international teachers. Not all can read Chinese communication- how can they know the content of the document and how can they use those documents in applying in another country aside from China. They also make things complicated. It's simple but they always give you alibis which make things complicated. Another thing is they change their policy so fast without their teachers knowing it, like medical benefits (reimbursement), booking tickets and others. Teachers are just caught by surprise when they'll claim those benefits. In this school, you must be a great people-pleaser or baby-sitter, especially the students. Because once students complained even a silly complain you'll expect that you will be called to the office, given a sermon and normally they won't ask your side, and worse they'll fire you. This happen to a friend of mine especially that she's not a native speaker. I know that she's a good teacher but she was reprimanded when she scolded her students when it's time for class and they are still on their cellphones, giggling and chatting. It's understandable that a school is also a business institution but I hope they'd focus more on the "quality" not the "quantity". They must know how to deal with their teachers more professional. They must be more objective and not subjective. That's why I know of a teacher there who is so superficial just to retain in the school. She forges her performance and kiss their asses.Oh well anyway, you can quote that racism here is obvious. Now, when you are still employed in the school when you meet the people from the office they are all smiles and greet you but if you are no longer needed it seems that you are a criminal, their warm smiles ceases and they treat you as if you are a failure which is rude. They'd better be true from the start than act like clowns. FYI, this is not an act of bitterness, it is just an honest observation so other teachers who would want to apply here knows what they'll expect. In fairness, their accommodation is good. You can also meet good "real" students and people who will, some, eventually become your friends. I'm not saying that all are bad here, you can try this school but be cautious and wise. To rate - "so,so"- my favorite response of my Chinese students...(-:.

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