Return to Index › Steven Guo - Zhengzhou Zhixiang Education and Consulting Co., Ltd. in Zhengzhou City, Henan
#1 Parent Joker - 2009-07-16
Re: Steven Guo - Zhengzhou Zhixiang Education and Consulting Co., Ltd. in Zhengzhou City, Henan

Hey Owl

I didn't take his advice, to buy any bug spray. I threw that damn thing out, I did notice the Chinese people living in the area, eyeballing it, so it belongs where it belongs, up there,

#2 Parent The Owl - 2009-07-16
Re: Steven Guo - Zhengzhou Zhixiang Education and Consulting Co., Ltd. in Zhengzhou City, Henan

Also: If you noticed his user ID when you exchange texts with him, or any other information that would help identify him, including physical description, this info would help other teachers trace him on the Internet.

#3 Parent Ex-TC teacher - 2009-07-16
Re: Steven Guo - Zhengzhou Zhixiang Education and Consulting Co., Ltd. in Zhengzhou City, Henan

Joker, I am sorry for your experience. I went through something similar. Could you post the cellphone number? I feel a few cautionary phone calls are in order. Secondly, it would help others to identify this cheat if he contacts them.

Ex-TC teacher

#4 Parent Monitor - 2009-07-16
Re: Steven Guo - Zhengzhou Zhixiang Education and Consulting Co., Ltd. in Zhengzhou City, Henan

What can I say? Lies, lies, and more lies! Been thro it too, but, like you, still here, but now much wiser, just like an owl!
I like the bit about Pinocchio, very funny indeed! Obviously said puppet is a bottom feeder of the highest, or should I say the lowest, order!
PS, did the bugspray you bought work?

#5 Parent Joker - 2009-07-16
Re: Steven Guo - Zhengzhou Zhixiang Education and Consulting Co., Ltd. in Zhengzhou City, Henan

Hello Owl

Unfortunately, I don't have any email address, for him. We communicated via text messages. The other agent, does not and has not responded to my emails to him, as well.
The agent in Beijing email account is still active, as they have not been returned, undelivered.


#6 Parent The Owl - 2009-07-16
Re: Steven Guo - Zhengzhou Zhixiang Education and Consulting Co., Ltd. in Zhengzhou City, Henan

Joker: Can you provide the email address(es) of this "recruiter"? (he reminds me of the horrible NEMO of Zhengzhou City)
Thank you

Joker - 2009-07-16
Steven Guo - Zhengzhou Zhixiang Education and Consulting Co., Ltd. in Zhengzhou City, Henan

Well guys and gals, I finally met him, Pinocchio, [ the Asian version]. Yes, he's alive and lives in Zhengzhou, Henan. His real name is Steven Guo, an agent with a nose so big, it glows.

He works out of a company called, " Zhengzhou Zhixiang Education and Consulting Co., Ltd. in Zhengzhou City.

Let me take you back to February of this year, when I was searching for a teaching position. There was a position, on ESL board, that I was interested in, I applied and was sent an email from an agent by the name of Steve Spiering, supposedly based in Beijing. He asked if I could start right away, as this school, was in dire need of an English teacher, sure I said, the city was only 3 hours by train, from where I am presently living.The teaching hours were good, 14 hours a week, salary, 7, 000 yuan a month, along with 500.00 yuan for other expenses and it was only for, four months.

After arriving in Luohe City, Henan, I was met by Mr. Guo, also known as, PINOCCHIO.

I was picked up at the station and chauffeured, to where I was to live. I found that the living arrangements to be very shabby at best. The couch or sofa, as they call it here, should have been thrown out years ago, well worn and ripped, the bed frame, my God, looked like it was made from, galvanized 3/4 inch pipe, with with wooden slats, a sheet of bamboo, was laying on the wooden slats. I did sleep on it the first night, as I was too tired, to do or say anything at the time.

The next day, after I finished, teaching my classes, I noticed a 3 inch piece of foam, the size of a mattress, laying on another bed, in another room, I took it and put it on my own bed and it felt much more comfortable but wait, there's more.

After a day or two, I was being bitten by, what I thought, was mosquitoes, not so. Bed Bugs. yes!!!, the foam was full. That's when I started to complain, as well as another teacher, who was sharing the apartment with me but teaching at another school. I was told by Pinocchio, to buy some bug spray, I told him, we need new beds and a couch, as the ones here are substandard, and also, an email was sent to the other agent, told me then, that he dealt with another person, within this organization and said he would try to improve our living arrangements. No such luck. Although he did get them to supply us with a fridge and a microwave, as there wasn't any, when I moved in.

I know what your thinking, " why the hell did you stay there?" it was only for, four months and being new here, I needed the experience, with teaching in China but I don't need the bullshit, that comes with it.

Now comes the fun part, collecting our salary. March, we were paid but a few days late, April, paid eventually, after receiving excuses from this agent or that he was on his way, lies. May, ha ha, 10 days later, than what the contract stated, that "party B, shall be paid on time and the 5th. day, of each month", said that the school didn't pay him yet, so he couldn't pay us, we had a contract with him, not the school. He finally showed up at 10 pm., one evening, saying that he was in an accident. He only showed up, because we both refused to teach until we were paid.He told us the school didn't pay him. That's his problem.
June, my favorite, finished teaching at the school on June 23rd., no reason to stay in Luo he, only to hear more lies, why we weren't getting our final salary on time.The other teacher refused to budge from the apartment we shared, until Pinocchio showed up, which he did, a week later.

I spoke to him online, told him where I was and said that he will make arrangements to come here and give me my salary. "Fine, when you coming", "next week"!!!, where I come from, next week is next week, not, when I get around to it.

I had a friend call him, told her that, he was having surgery,didn't say where but I suspect, it was his nose and couldn't make it until the following week, told her, just be patient, he will come for sure, another week, has passed by, still no sign of him, had my friend call him again. The number he had, has been disconnected.

The amount owing, is 4100 yuan, not a lot of money but still, it is better in my pocket, than his. I know I have a case against him, should I want to pursue but I don't need the hassle's.

The long and short of it is, be careful, if you see either of these two agents on this board, "once a crook, always a crook".

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