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#1 Parent Theo - 2009-07-18
Re: The "business" of Baijiu and social issues

Yup! I used to hear all the time about how the heavy drinking that takes place between men at business dinners, is done to gain "trust" and "good will" between people who are trying to form a business relationship.

In response, I used to tell my students that while many Americans drink lots of alcohol, we actually discourage too much of it (or any) during business dinners/lunches, etc.

I explain that in the U.S., if for example, you are seeking my investment in your business venture, and you drink too much (more than two drinks), then I will likely think that if you cannot control your drinking, then why should I entrust my money to you? (Students always write these things down -- rather amusing).

I simply try to give them a different perspective about business-related drinking.

Unfortuantely, I didn't see much refrain from heavy drinking from my university-age males, but many of them did not smoke, so some progress is bring made there.

Smoking and drinking seemed to be a largely male endeavor in China, but in Korea, it is equal among genders (by my observation).

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2009-07-18
Re: The "business" of Baijiu and social issues

...yeah Theo that part about Korean Men drinking really sticks out. I have heard about Japanese men drinking Saki on a regular, daily basis as well but I don't know if it's as bad. What I've noticed with the behavior of grown Asian Men in these places is the irrational, emotional emphasis placed on drinkin alcohol as being "good". I can also tell you guys that if I was a businessman with a some change to spare I wouldn't think about investing in these countries if I was forced to drink and possibly smoke.  This is the epitamy of "uncultured" instead of being "cultured".  Certainly an issue worth studying.

#3 Parent Theo - 2009-07-18
The "business" of Baijiu

Yeah, Silverboy. In Korea, they have something quite similar to Baijiu called Soju. I'm told that it is much less potent than Baijiu (the smell is certainly far less intense than Baijiu), and so I would hear stories of how Korean men would venture to China for business, drink the same volume of Baijiu as they would Soju in one night, and wind up dead. No kidding.

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