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#1 Parent Theo - 2009-07-27
Re: Hall of Shame CN updates?

Hi, tim, I imagine that Silverboy will be responding to you as well. Thanks for making a contribution to the China "Hall of Shame," and thanks also for your suggestion of a 3-tier system. What you should understand is that the China "Hall of Shame" and the Korea "Hall of Shame" were researched, developed, and contributed to the forum by posters (Silverboy and myself). This is not the work of and the moderators/administrators, but of posters themselves.

Your well-intentioned suggestion reminded me of something one of my former supervisors (not in the ESL business) would alwayys say when staff members would make a suggestion: "Great idea! You're in charge."

Again, hopefully Silverboy will reply to you as well. Best of luck with future ESL employment; it's a Chinglish jungle out there... be careful what you step in.

#2 Parent tim - 2009-07-27
Hall of Shame CN updates?

Dear fellow teachers,

Is there a current 'updated list' of troubled-schools in China? This would be helpful for us to look at before taking a September contract.

Also, I can verify just two schools others have commented negatively for:

1. Walton English School - I only did evening work for them at Nissan, but met brieftly a couple full-time teachers. A year later, 3 or so of them walled out on the school and China; largely due to the conditions and unfulfilled contractual understandings. Walton was apart of a bribe (red envelope) process through which they kept a Canadian-Teachers group and their good Chinese partner from gaining z-visa classification, and later pushed the school out of Huadu all together. Too bad, the Canadian group were some fairly friendly people from my experience.

2. Dalian "New Century". I can fully verify some of those actions that have continuously occurred for over 8 years now. Our experience was with sending over 8 documents and gaining a contract and offer from them to be a Director at 16,000 RMB a month. After we spent 12K RMB to fly to Dalian, after 3 days of delays, they simply had no contract to formally sign face-to-face. We left with great financial loss, and realized some current teachers had related to us a desire to 'get out of Dodge' for say without giving details.

Possibly, it would be most helpful to create a 3-tier list of China Schools:

1. The Hall of Shame list, as is presently used
2. A 'Notice of Caution' list, were we can see problems, and therefore ask verified answers before contracting with someone on this list.
3. Hall of Honors, a short list of schools which have followed the 5 basic principles for good TESOL employment (see below)

Basic Principles of Practice for a Good College in China:

1. Visas are processed within the law, usually within 2-4 weeks max.

2. Location and class schedules are 'set in stone' largely, week to week per term.

3. Paid on-time, for correct amount, no hassels and no confusion.

4. Safe, reasonably clean and equipped 'apartment'. Not a school-prison environment.

5. Enough support to enhance quality teaching, enough privacy to live one's life/freetime.

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