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#1 Parent Pingfan - 2009-08-19
Re: Shenzhen ING school

Another insider tip... Leo is nowhere to be found this entire week, so now our next week schedule is up in the air. If I was a teacher at ING, I will think very seriously of leaving..... and soon!

#2 Parent ken - 2009-08-18
Re: Shenzhen ING school

I never met the owner of ING school but I know the manager Bessy and he is so bad. I suggested using tape recorders to help the students here their mistakes and he said that was a bad idea. Later they got tape recorders on Besy s suggestion . He said it was his idea. I know the school has lots of money backing them but few students so you can figure what kind of money it is. The teaching staff were all fired and new teachers recruited. I hope this can be a warning

#3 Parent M.E. Lilly - 2009-08-16
Re: Shenzhen ING school

I got an anonymous tip recently that a Singaporean businessman named Tony Yu is now the CEO of ING. Was Tony there when you got ripped off? Tony is gaining a reputation as a liar and crook in the EFL game in Shenzhen. He might also be working with someone named Leo Li, who was a manager at their previous company, COM-COM English. Stay away from these two scam artists who got away with 4,500 yuan of my salary.

ken - 2009-06-04
Shenzhen ING school

This school treats its teachers very badly and hasnt lived up to their contracts and they still owe me 2 months pay.. beware of this cheesey school

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