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#1 Parent passing through - 2009-08-24
Re: Hampson CZ Mlada Boleslav

You're right; I should have resisted the temptation to focus on your poor English skills and instead focused on your plight. Nevertheless..................

Good luck.

#2 Parent Eileen - 2009-08-23
Re: Hampson CZ Mlada Boleslav

Dear X:
I am sure it was rather gratifying to ridicule my post.
I am aware of my grammatical limitation, in fact English is not even my first language.
However, I refuse to become a caricatural character for someone who, after he or she has discovered that when one cant do he ore she teaches! Mine was just a transitional position.
Perhaps you are even proud of your profession, but your reply reveals more about your frustrated nature than my lack of English morphological principles ever will.
I was not looking nor begging for sympathy especially from individuals who just intended to undermind my work, persona or good will.
Shame on you.
Didnt you think I wasnt aware of what kind of school that was?
A school that pretends no references, no experience and above all no qualifications is the first warning one should refrain from even considering contacting that institution.
The fact of the matter is, many ESL teacher with years of teaching and much higher qualifications than mine, were working with me as well.
I may add, the working environment in the Czech Republic is not of the highest standards and an abundant number of schoolteachers are mistreated by even more incompetent school staff.
I know it is probably easier for someone of elevated standards such as yourself to sympathize with individuals of your level only.
I despise your post and people like you as I am even sure you speaks no other language other than English.
By trying to do a good deed I became the centre of your spiteful comments that brought nothing to the reader and had no intend other than offend me.
You are an angry angry person.
Well I tried to be courteous and I tried to write a better English so that you can understand it.

In the end, stay away from that school. I dont see why unqualified teachers should be abused like it happened to me and many others. Dont get me wrong, I do believe in a system that discriminates on the base of experience or qualification, of the other hand I cannot tolerate schools that take advantage of THAT system to perpetrate continuous damage to people who are just starting out.
A monthly 200 paycheck to teach English in a European country in the year 2008 it is unconceivable no matter who you are!

No back to you stupid excuse for a human being.
It would have been nice you had concentrated your efforts on the delinquent and fraudulent school behavior. At least you would have accomplished something.

#3 Parent passingthrough - 2009-08-22
Re: Hampson CZ Mlada Boleslav

No offense intended; however, considering the quality of your English, you're lucky to have been employed as an English instructor in the first place. That being the case, it is difficult to sympathize with your plight, as in the first place you were obviously hired without the necessary qualifications.

As I am just passing through, it will not be necessary to respond to this post if you will be expecting me to see a reply. However, I do want to add that by reading numerous other posts in these forums one can only be dumbfounded by the level of English to be found here. I would think that to be an ESL or EFL teacher one should have, at the very least, a college level command of the language. Unfortunately, that is apparently not the primary concern of employers who obviously hire for reasons that are perplexing at best.

Eileen - 2009-08-21
Hampson CZ Mlada Boleslav

Hi guys
I just left one of the worst schools, I've ever taught for. At the beginning the two owners seamed pretty nice, and they were, the problems started with my first paycheck.

I think the english contract I signed was not legal or true to its czech version.
I was not payed holidays, or overtime, I think after the Christmas holiday we were given 200. The organization at the school is a mess, so when there was infact a Czech holiday no one was even told
They hired too many teachers at the beginning and we were left with 10 hr week. This is something I read in another post and IT STILL HAPPENS!!!
When we went to the "farm" or "intensive" we were given 60kc per hr. I think that 2 per hour.
The only interesting thing about the school is probably the unconventional approach to teaching, but honestly the ordeal is NOT worth it. Plus the city is terrible.
Be save

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