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#1 Parent Volvo86 - 2009-10-07
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college

You are absolutely right about what you said. But Bill is not a foreigner. He is the chinese headmaster and owner of the school. He does think we are all naive to the fact that we are foreigners and we just don't understand Chinese customs or ways. But after making friends with many chinese. They all said that this was not the chinese way and that he is just a bad man who wants control. They all said that he has a mental problem. I'm glad I'm gone but if I do work again in china. i will do my research before I accept. The foreign teachers that he would put in charge of the foreign staff did a great job but once he saw that they were better bosses than him, he got very defensive and then would take that title away and give it to a new foreign teacher that had only been in the school for a week or two. He doesn't want to see his foreign staff succeed above him and he doesn't want his foreign staff to stand up to him. If they do, he will ruin their projects, ruin their name and even spread rumors to the parents and other staff members about them. It is really sad to think that there is someone so unhappy with themselves that they would make people feel lower. It's not a chinese thing or a foreign thing. It is a Bill thing. There are good people and bad people. I just would never work for him again and I dont' think anyone should ever work for him again. Plain and simple. There are much better schools in Songyuan.

#2 Parent Monitor - 2009-10-06
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college

I'm happy to know that someone finally stood up. I thought it was just me but as I can see, it wasn't. I can't believe that Bill is still treating people the same after all these years. SFSC is a good school only because of the teachers. Bill gives you a sense that you are his friend and you can trust him but in the end it is all a game of what can he get out of you and how much he can control you.[/quote]

Bill is a typical two-faced dosser (DOS for short). He has arrived in China with the mentality of a loser. He feels he has to prove something, and does so at the expense of the other foreign teachers working alongside him. No doubt he gets a pat on the back, back, some kind words, and a paltry bonus from his Chinese director for backstabbing his foreign underlings and negotiating contracts with them that pay as little as they'll reluctantly accept. I've met his type before - if he's a smoker, he'll not crash the ash, as is the Chinese custom. He'll explain how FT's in China are naive if they dare to complain about their accommodation, pointing out with glee that China is China. But he'll probably be occupying much better accommodation than his foreign colleagues.

Don't let pretenders like that put you off teaching in China. Next time, choose to work for a Chinese employer who has no foreign dosser.

#3 Parent Volvo86 - 2009-10-06
Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college

I will say that everything I have read is true. I worked at that school and left the country with the feeling of disappointment and dashed hopes about China. I want to come back some day but I will never again work in China. I could tell stories that would help support fedex's testimony but I think he or she said enough. I'm happy to know that someone finally stood up. I thought it was just me but as I can see, it wasn't. I can't believe that Bill is still treating people the same after all these years. SFSC is a good school only because of the teachers. Bill gives you a sense that you are his friend and you can trust him but in the end it is all a game of what can he get out of you and how much he can control you. Some teachers stayed longer there than they should have. I told them all years ago to leave but they for some reason saw something. I'm sure it was the students and not him that they stayed for. So to anyone who never lived in Songyuan or worked at SFSC should just keep their comments to themselves. Fed ex and i.sawitall have said the truth and I'm sure there is more that could be said.

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