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#1 Parent Abs - 2009-10-11
Re: World International English School

Anyone dissing EF is out of order and to be honest any chinese management is as BAD is not the school. A school is not a school without teachers and a good school or training center is a one with good teachers. Now what makes anyone think they are a good teacher? It is the returning students etc...Anyone talking shit about EF is only but a fool as how would you know if you never experience it...If you are such a great mind and a great teacher you should know not to take into consideration what negative feedback you get... Just like if a student did a mistake in class and you called him/her on it they would go home and tell their parents that they hate that class and the teacher aint no good but that doesnt really mean you are no good....
To work at EF and with Franchised own management you have to be smart and udnerstand the Chinese way of managing people i have been at EF Zhuhai for almost 2 years and at the beginning i thought exactly the same "What a bad school", "promises not kept", then i realised its not actually the company its the people and everywhere you go chinese management have the same work Ethic...I worked at Beijing Normal University same shit, Shangai INternatoinal Studies University same shit,

But at EF i have always been paid on time, contract respected although sometimes it became flexible but that worked both ways, salary never been deducted in my 2 years for no show or cancelling i believe its a good place to work if you have the right attitude..If you believe you are the KING of teachers then you is a fool because then you should know that a teacher is a non stop learner as you keep having to evoluate and evolve as teh system goes along...

So next time get your facts right and dont believe some fools or back packing teachers who got fired or who had a bad experience at EF because of their lack of professionalism and people skills..

Otherwise now i also looking to work for World International English and these guys belong to a bigger fish from teh USA so i believe since 2004 they have opened quite a bit of schools all over China and some of them in major Cities competing with bigger names such as GLV, TPR and as well EF

DOnt get bugged about EF it s a huge company running many important corporate language training down here in Zhuhai and its a team of down to earth and cool young people with a one of a kind dedication to teaching.

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