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#1 Parent Nathan - 2010-09-09
Re: ENLI, Tianjin

Hi Maureen,

I haven't been on here for a long time, so, sorry for the late reply. The purpose of this forum is to communicate to foreigners who are thinking of working at a particular school what the conditions are like. Actually Shawn and I had a decent relationship until it came to the end of my contract and it was time to pay the bonus. I was shocked that he would do something like to me, someone who tried to always do my best at work and always treated and regarded him as a friend. That being said, he's still your brother and I wish you luck in finding him. You could probably find ENLI School's e-mail address and contact him that way--I believe most of the e-mails sent there will go to his wife, Lily.


#2 Parent Maureen Ayaruak - 2010-08-29
Re: ENLI, Tianjin

Well this is very disturbing be the fact that u are talkin about my brother Shawn..... I went to Google his name hoping to find a # I can call him at in China, and i read stuff like this...... Wasn't there a private e-mail u could have sent ur complaints too??????????

#3 Parent Nathan - 2010-03-07
Re: ENLI, Tianjin

Well, as I admitted, it was my big mistake to not get him to specify on the contract. I didn't think of it for 2 reasons, 1--lack of experience, 2--was a little nervous just meeting the new boss and didn't want to create and negative feelings or feelings of distrust.

The part that was rough was simply how that boss wouldn't tell me what he was doing and I didn't even know if I would be able to work without the release letter. Also, from the school that I was talking to (and that was expecting me to come) told me that the management of ENLI told her on the phone that they were going to cancel my visa. They never mentioned that to me however. Had they canceled my visa and not told me about it, I am pretty sure it could have caused me big problems. So, to protect myself I just left China.

Another thing I should add, when I was talking to ENLI about leaving 1 week early so I could make it to the new school by the start of the new semester (by request of the new employer), Shawn said, "Sure, that's fine. Just write down your name, your passport #, and the date that you're leaving."

In later arguments with Shawn when I asked him for a release letter he said, "I don't need to give you a release letter because you decided to quit one week before your contract was up." Keep in mind, my lessons were finished and I'd been sitting at home with no income for a couple of weeks by that time. So, due to that I also expected him to come at me looking for a breach of contract penalty fee. He got me good on that one--he got me to quit the job without even realized that I was essentially writing proof that I left the job early, all under the mistaken idea that ENLI was doing me a favor. Shawn is a slick old fox, and a smooth talker. Shawn's an intelligent man and he's been in this game long enough to know what to do. He's tricky, so if you work there just lookout for situations like this. If you go there, do your job, make sure to get anything and everything in writing, then you should be okay. My situation turned bad after trying to file a complaint on the school with the Labor Bureau (lao dong ju) after realizing Shawn was conning me out of 3000 RMB. After doing that, ENLI came after me with a vengeance.

I'm not going to insult or trash talk anyone here, I just want to provide a heads up. On a positive note, I was making decent money at ENLI and had Saturdays and Sundays off every week. Just want to say, don't trust so easily like I did or you can get screwed and cheated very easily. There are plenty of other stories I know, but I'm only going to share mine. I don't need to talk them down. Their reputation in the Tianjin area is getting worse and worse.. not just amongst foreign teachers, but also among many schools and other businesses in the Greater Tianjin area.



#4 Parent Alex - 2010-03-04
Re: ENLI, Tianjin

Blimey, you haven't half been screwed over. However, I sincerely hope you won't let that put you off working in China ever again. There are indeed jobs here to be had with employers who don't rip off their foreign staff. Do painstaking research first to turn the odds of landing a job with an honest employer in your favor. Better luck next time (if you decide to come back)!

#5 Parent Nathan - 2010-03-04
Balanced View afraid to reveal identity????

I have never posted anything but now I will. I'm Nathan, from the USA and I'd like to know who you are. Are you refering to me in your post? Please specify, and don't be so afraid to share your identity, after all, we're all adults here, aren't we?

Let's share our identity and share openly who we are refering to in our messages. This is healthy for our online discussion. Anyone can say anything online, so if you are willing to share who you are maybe others will take you more seriously and trust you more.

Who are you and who were you refering to in your message?


#6 Parent Nathan - 2010-03-04
Re: ENLI, Tianjin

My name is Nathan and I did work for Enli School as well. I worked there for 6 months (did a six month contract). Initially upon signing the contract with the school, Shawn Ottarson (the owner of ENLI--his wife Lily is partial owner too) I saw that the completion bonus was 6000 RMB for one year. Well, as I was doing a 6 monther I asked him what we should do. He said, "No problem, you're doing half of the contract time so we'll give you half of the amount, 3000 RMB." I trusted him and didn't even think to ask him to write it down. That's my mistake.

When I was seeking another job toward the end of my 6 months I found a job that wanted me to start a little before my contract with ENLI ended (about a week). Considering that all of my lessons with ENLI were finished and I was just sitting at home everyday I assumed they would ok it. I asked them about it and they said it would be fine for me to leave a little early. They said that I'd get my release letter and letter of reference. When I asked them about the final pay, the 3000 contract completion bonus, they said, "Sorry, you only did 6 months so you aren't eligible."

I went to Shawn's office twice to talk to him about it. He denied ever saying that. I said that I know he didn't write it, but that I still can't just walk away knowing I got cheated like that. So, even before I went to the Foreign Affair's Office I told him I would go talk to someone in the government (I didn't specify which dept.)... I said that I needed to follow my conscience. I did tell him, after he lied to my face, that I think he's very low for selling his integrity for 3000 RMB. I was heated, you bet I was.

Trying to resume to my next job was very difficult. Shawn wouldn't give me the release letter. When I asked him what he planned to do he said, "Well, you'll just have to wait and see. We're going to do what we need to do on our end."

He wouldn't tell me what he was planning. He wouldn't give me a release letter. He was making my situation miserable. So, I left China. Didn't know what else to do in that situation. I'm not going to write forever here, you get the point. However, if you are considering employment at ENLI, proceed with caution. You can make decent money, but you will have to pay for your own place and much of your own transportation to work. It's up to you. More questions about it, just ask.


#7 Parent unhappy camper - 2010-01-01
Re: ENLI, Tianjin

Hi all. I am the original poster of the warning against ENLI. Just a quick response to the information posted by "Balanced View of Enli". I don't know who you are so I cannot say if we know each other or not. What I can say is that you are mistaken in who you think posted the warning/complaint. My name is Adam Hopes. I have never been to DongBei or Liaoning. Furthermore, I have been teaching in China for over 5 yrs and have never been involved in any fights or altercations with the police. I am not a troublemaker, in fact, there have been several times where I probably should have posted a warning about previous and potential employers and have just let it go. My warning was actually quite reserved. I have heard many incidents of ENLI utilizing their uncle's power as head of Tianjin PSB to really screw people. These involved false allegations, cancelling of visas, etc. but I chose not to include this information as to me, it is hearsay. I feel I did give a balanced report on ENLI that was not fuelled by emotions but merely stated SOME of the more important facts related to my employment experience with them. I can add 2 more important facts that I refrained from mentioning previously. I was having breakfast with Shawn O [edited] (owner of ENLI) and we just talking about the business. I was curious because I was entertaining the idea of opening a language school myself in the future. We were discussing income and risk. I told him I think it would be better just to tutor and arrange tutoring for other teachers with less initiative. He then got a look in his eyes and told me. "IF ANY OF MY TEACHERS DO PRIVATE TUTORRING AND I FIND OUT I WILL CANCEL THEIR VISA WITHOUT NOTIFYING THEM" Now this is a very malicious act which will at the minimum have you detained at the PSB until you can pay the penalty of 500RMB per day for overstaying your visa. Moreover, you would likely be deported and never allowed to enter China again which puts an end to your ESL career in China. Now the 2nd malicious act I know for a fact too. A colleague who had completed his contract and was offered renewal of that contract but declined was refused his letter of release and reference letter by ENLI. They were involved in a dispute over the airfare allowance. Shawn had verbally offered an allowance of 3000RMB for a 6 mth contract but did not amend the contract accordingly. This guy told me himself he had said some unfriendly things to Shawn. He had a nice job lined up but had to leave China due to the fact that ENLI would not give him the required documents to transfer his visa. He is back in China now and teaching but this was an expensive inconvenience and absolutely a malicious act by ENLI. Now back to what you said about suspecting you had previously employed the original poster of this warning. It is my opinion that if you are unfortunate enough to employ a troublemaker you pay them what you owe and fire them. If an employee is giving you constant headaches you still must pay him his salary as agreed. If he has broken contract you are well within your rights to dismiss him or her. I am not offended or angered by your response in any way at all. On the contrary, I commend you for taking the time to try and improve the industry. I just felt the need to clarify your incorrect suspicion. Simple logic will tell you, by the length of time it took me to respond to this thread. Posting complaints is not a hobby or interest of mine. This case was just so severe I felt a moral obligation to inform the wise. On behalf of all teachers I sincerely thank you for your invaluable input. People such as yourself have prevented so much anguish to innocent teachers. I am not ashamed to hide my face. Everything I have stated is true. Feel free to contact me at Adam Hopes

#8 Parent Balanced View of Enli - 2009-11-15
Re: ENLI, Tianjin

First of all, I am not ENLI, I am not an agent for the school, and I do not even know the owners of this school directly. It is true that they have a particularly nefarious name in the greater Tianjin area. That is a fact.

All of that being said,

I also strongly, strongly believe that I know this poster. I will not name him nor give any indication as to nationality, etc., in the interests of having this post posted. He worked at our school in a large city with many oilfields in Shandong Province. He created no end of problems of every conceivable nature at the school and in the city and was terminated for malfeasance and acts of professional turpitude, if this is the same person. That not being good enough, he then went to another school in Liaoning Province where he recreated this same of nefarious mischief, only a far graver scale. He fled from that school after a public brawl involving the PSB to another school in Liaoning where it was a repeat of the same. All in all, he is as notorious in the Dong Bei as Al Capone was in Chicago and considering that he was in Dong Bei less than two years, that was quite a feat.

And then there was the troubles at ENLI. I know of them because the Chinese owner of the school actually called the owner of this school here to find out if his egregious behaviour were just spontaneous or if there had been precedence. The two of them then called the other school, etc,. etc.

So indeed ENLI should be approached with a maximum of caution.


if this is the poster whom is known to us, his particular take on ENLI should also be viewed with extreme caution.

unhappycamper - 2009-11-11
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