Return to Index › QingYuan Cambridge English Training School
#1 Parent Richard H - 2013-04-06
Re: QingYuan Cambridge English Training School

Hello, In answer to your question "you ask which cambridge school is this?" If it is Chinese owned it has nothing at all to do with Cambridge. It is just a deception at getting credibility by using the noun name "Cambridge"
If it is a partner school with Cambridge university, they would be required to state this in all advertising.
If it is a Franchise school of a LTD UK education company using the name Cambridge, that is ok so long as the school keeps to the conditions by which it is allowed to be a franchise school.
It is wise to ask them to idenitify their relationship with Cambridge before working for them.

#2 Parent Emma Hurst - 2009-11-26
Re: QingYuan Cambridge English Training School

Hiya, thank you for your reply, yes it is in the Guangdong province. Im just looking for some information as to what they are like as an employer and as a school itself, im just starting out in my TEFL career and have been in contact with them regarding a start in Feb10, but i havent really seen any reviews or feedback on them.
Any information you have will be greatly appreciated.

#3 Parent KJK - 2009-11-26
QingYuan Cambridge English Training School

WHat city is this this Cambridge school in Emma? Is it in Guangdong province. I have some experience with Cambridge schools but in Ningxia province. Is this any help to you?

Emma Hurst - 2009-11-24
QingYuan Cambridge English Training School

Hi, has anybody heard of this school or had any experiences with them?

Im interested in applying for Feb10, but cant find much on the web about them, to see if they are reputable or not.

Any help will be greatly appreciated :O)

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