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#1 Parent EFLer - 2009-11-25
Re: Global Language Institute, Sunae -

The same thing happened to me in Sunae. Actually, in the beginning, this school seemed pretty trustworthy. However, towards the end of my contract, they paid late; whole days were magically missing from my paycheck, and they refused to give me an explanation. They didn't give me my plane ticket, and I'm still waiting on my final paycheck. The director is ruthless. Avoid this school at all costs.

#2 Parent Theo - 2009-08-03
Re: Global Language Institute, Ansan -

Very sorry to learn of your all-too-typical misfortune. Your story seems to be rapidly becoming almost the norm for so many hagwon FTs in Korea these days. With high homeside unemployment rates, Korean employers seem to have no trouble getting new foreigners, which only increases this type of despicable behavior. So glad I'm outta there! As much frustration as I experienced during my years in China, I'll take China ANY DAY over awful ESL Korea.

Anyway, I've made note, and will add this hagwon to the next edition of Korea "Hall of Shame."

Thanks a lot for taking the time to post your experience and warning to others.

Best wishes.

Drahcir - 2009-08-03
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