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#1 Parent ANET - 2009-12-04
Re: Ahil English School Ulsan South Korea

Thank you for coming forward. She tried to get flight money back from me as well. I could understand the flight being refundable to the school if foreign teachers quit of their own free will within the first 6 months of the contract, but if the school fires the teacher, then the school created the situation and the school should absorb the loss.

Motherhen101 - 2009-11-28
Ahil English School Ulsan South Korea

I worked at Ahil. The owner said foreigners didnt qualify for medical insurance. I developed pneumonia from living at the school and had to pay every cent of my hospital stay and it was NOT cheap. When I told her native teachers at other schools paid into medical insurance plans she hooked me up with a cheap company that wouldnt backdate the coverage so I couldnt get my money back.

Another thing, native teachers are often fired just before they reach 6 months with the school because after 6 months labour laws kick in, then they deduct your flight from the last months pay. Ahils people operate like native teachers have no rights.

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