Return to Index › YOngzhou DongAn. No. 1 Middle school
#1 Parent Kevin - 2009-12-01
Re: YOngzhou DongAn. No. 1 Middle school

Is this Yong Zhou in Hunan? If so, you were probably in Ling Ling district. For decent food etc, you could've taken the bus to Leng Shui Tan (spelling?). I worked in Ling Ling for a semester and actually enjoyed it, made great friends and was sad to leave.

#2 Parent farmer - 2009-01-20
Re: YOngzhou DongAn. No. 1 Middle school

Believe me, they don't miss you.

#3 Parent maricel - 2009-01-15
Re: Yongzhou Dong An. No. 1 Middle school

Hi. Do you have any tax law article that supports that airline ticket money is untaxable? This is the only thing I need to show the tax bureau and they are wllling to refund me the tax. I would appreciate it if you can provide me one.

#4 Parent kjk - 2009-01-15
Yongzhou Dong An. No. 1 Middle school

Hi Maricel
I just wanted to add here that your air ticket should be tax-free. Yes go to the tax department and complain and also go to the Department of Foreign Experts and PSB and report the school to them too. Most of these schools do not pay your taxes although they do take the tax money off your salary every month each month. Don't you just hate the sudden disappearance of the payroll person when it is pay week! A friend of mine once taught at a uni in Xian and his apartment was a combination storage locker for the uni and a mold chamber! He had no room in his apartment due to all the old broken furniture that the uni was storing there and the paint was peeling off the walls and the walls were covered with mold. What a lovely place!
We are given all sorts of hoops to jump through to please the head masters while they fail to toe the line on their part of the contracts that we sign with them.
I am glad to hear that you have moved on there and this is about one of the few things that you can do in your defense. There are some decent schools there in China but they are well kept secrets.

#5 Parent Not surprised anymore - 2009-01-11
Re: YOngzhou DongAn. No. 1 Middle school

Well, this is what happens when you work at a country school. I had the same kind of experience when I first came here. Small town, middle of no where, people drying corn on the side of the road. I did not mind it so much really, but I think this fellow may be in an even smaller town than I was. Sounds positively barren and run down. I did not have any infestation, anbd the apartment was so so, but could have been worse. However my fellow teachers, administration, well, same exact problem. Rude, nosey, wish I was surprised.

Be careful about going to small small towns and rural areas if you don't have high tolerance for attention from others, or if you are not a stoic type of person in the least, you will not likely be happy. You'll find people who have never in their whole lives seen a foreigner up close, and they will look at you like you had two heads. Mnners disappear in places like this when I foreigner is around, and even in large cities at times. Grin and bear it, or get out I say. That stuff is easy to deal with though, the lck of professionalism among Chinese colleagues and Admin is not. I have no tolerance for such, hence why I no longer live and work in such a place.

Maricel - 2009-01-11
YOngzhou DongAn. No. 1 Middle school

I wanted to warn the foreign teachers here for a certain job in Yongzhou Dong An No.1 Middle school.
This school is in a small dirty town that is in the middle of no where. People outside the school is quite nice but you will be place in a compound where your neighbors are teachers who are gossipers and you will be the topic all day and night. The teachers here are busy talking about you or others, shopping, or playing pokers or mahjong.
and drinking. Teachers are drinking are smells nasty inside the class. The accountants nasty too. She hides when you are going to be paid. Everybody knows how much you get. and each time you get your salary they pretend visiting the office just to know. Well, the last time I got paid. I kicked them out for they are nasty and dont like to give my salary even with the go of the headmaster. If you are single man, love some women here .. they going to be all over you.. always calling you. I hate the teachers here.. they are rude to the foreigners and the place you live in , will be full of spiders. and the place lots of moulds and mist. You cant get any foreign food here... no mcdonalds, kfc. Thats fine. But what I can\t stand.... THE TEACHERS.. AND THE ADMISTRATIVE PEOPLE... JUST NO MANNERS.

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